Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Well, I am now more confused than ever, thanks for that lol :yess: I am hearing 50/50 between "Great!" and "Horrible!"

Go in expecting to be entertained, and you'll have a good time. These are both big, summer popcorn movies, but I enjoyed STID since it wasn't ashamed of being fun. Did it borrow alot from earlier Trek films? Sure. But it's still an enjoyable ride.
Can we at least all agree that the dialogue is terrible? I'm not sure if anyone can defend it. This is coming from someone who is not tough on movies, especially these popcorn flicks that are pure fun and don't really need to be over analyzed.
Can we at least all agree that the dialogue is terrible? I'm not sure if anyone can defend it. This is coming from someone who is not tough on movies, especially these popcorn flicks that are pure fun and don't really need to be over analyzed.

"You're a monster, Zod! And I will defeat you!"
Can we at least all agree that the dialogue is terrible? I'm not sure if anyone can defend it. This is coming from someone who is not tough on movies, especially these popcorn flicks that are pure fun and don't really need to be over analyzed.

No, I do not agree with this, not one bit.

Nor I consider MoS to be only a "popcorn flick".

"You're a monster, Zod! And I will defeat you!"

I think the line was "and I'm gonna stop you".

Which I thought was great, that's probably the cheesiest line the movie has, and it wasn't even that cheesy.
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Neither do I. Hence why i'm so very hard on it.

So you loved it...


Ugh I'm sorry, it just, it's late... and it was so easy :lol
I'm not trying to drag any particulars of that argument over. I wasn't even involved, just I seemed to remember a lot of flaming and your name. They wanted you to GTFO basically over what I presume was repetitive negativity about that film. Which is what you seemed to be taking a swipe at here from those who don't like or have problems with MOS. It seemed like a pot/kettle thing to me. Perhaps I'm misreading.
You ain't misreadin'. Go back and check out her 120+ posts of pure douchebaggery in the Prometheus thread if you aren't sure. :lol

No its not pot/kettle, because had I used the tactics used in that thread by my respondents, I would be telling people who disliked MoS that they were personally foul, hateful people who were probably child molesters and also raised by demons to boot! They were born in Wrongville of two b@stard inbred cousins built of sheer wrong!! Plus their mother/sister/girlfriend [insert stupid/hateful gif here]......

Oh, trust me. My comments here are not even in the same universe as those thrown at me over there. :wink1:

EDIT: People who dislike MoS are of differing opinions and the world will keep turning 'round. I don't take it personally.
Remember when you accused me of being a "woman-hater"? :rotfl
A lot of the dialogue was indeed terrible. I don't know how they let it get through to final.

Makes me shudder to think what the first draft from Goyer was like. :lol

Still I managed to enjoy it a lot despite the flaws
Yeah, I agree. I do like Zimmer, but the disconnect between the imagery and the music onscreen was awful. That could be Synder/editors fault though.

Yeah, of course it's Zack's fault. :lol

Incidentally, it can be argued that no one is better at meshing music with onscreen imagery than him. It might be his #1 staple as a filmmaker, actually. If the score in MOS doesn't work for you, that's on Zimmer. He scored it to scene. He put the music to the imagery, not the other way around.

Zack didn't pull a George Lucas prequel thing and cut the score in randomly.
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Well, I guess since this news got out on Huffington Post I can share it here:

The movie has actually generated over $160 million in revenue from Promotional partners alone (Norton, Gillette, Nokia, Kellogg's, U.S. National Guard, Carl's, Jr. etc). That figure has off-set the worldwide marketing and distribution costs. So, at $520 million worldwide and counting, the film is well past the profitable point... nearly $300 million in the green, actually (the film's final production budget was about $221.7 million).

And this isn't even counting merchandising, which is said to be doing pretty well, with the kids toys actually out-selling TDKR at this point.

GREEN LANTERN this is not.