Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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I think a big problem some people have is that they want the only interpretation of Superman they know. Whether that is from a cartoon with the Wonder Twins, a tween TV show, or the new 52, people just think that anything they don't know means the character isn't Superman.

Unfortunately, it looks like they drew influence from pretty much the entire history of Superman and hes got a ton of it and compressed it into this version.

I really wonder if 60 years ago when they made Superman fly if it ticked off the comic book readers because it was inaccurate to the comics? :dunno
I think a big problem some people have is that they want the only interpretation of Superman they know. Whether that is from a cartoon with the Wonder Twins, a tween TV show, or the new 52, people just think that anything they don't know means the character isn't Superman.

Unfortunately, it looks like they drew influence from pretty much the entire history of Superman and hes got a ton of it and compressed it into this version.

I really wonder if 60 years ago when they made Superman fly if it ticked off the comic book readers because it was inaccurate to the comics? :dunno


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I think a big problem some people have is that they want the only interpretation of Superman they know. Whether that is from a cartoon with the Wonder Twins, a tween TV show, or the new 52, people just think that anything they don't know means the character isn't Superman.

Unfortunately, it looks like they drew influence from pretty much the entire history of Superman and hes got a ton of it and compressed it into this version.

I really wonder if 60 years ago when they made Superman fly if it ticked off the comic book readers because it was inaccurate to the comics? :dunno
I'm all for a different view of Superman as long as its done right. Goyer's version was far from perfect or done right. When will Hollywood learn? Put aside all the CG, and explosions, and special effects and just write a good story that makes sense. For me sadly, the Man of Steel is not it.
I'm all for a different view of Superman as long as its done right. Goyer's version was far from perfect or done right. When will Hollywood learn? Put aside all the CG, and explosions, and special effects and just write a good story that makes sense. For me sadly, the Man of Steel is not it.

This is where we differ. I found the story to be excellent. The characters were written in a familiar way, written well. The problems that exist in this film, are not enough to take away for me. I loved the Nolan films, but they were never this fun. And other than Cap, I didn't care for the AVengers characters. I love Thor in comics, but his movie counter part is a pale imitation. I have hope for the sequel. But Loki was given way more characterization, and Thor is a very interesting character.
This is where we differ. I found the story to be excellent. The characters were written in a familiar way, written well. The problems that exist in this film, are not enough to take away for me. I loved the Nolan films, but they were never this fun. And other than Cap, I didn't care for the AVengers characters. I love Thor in comics, but his movie counter part is a pale imitation. I have hope for the sequel. But Loki was given way more characterization, and Thor is a very interesting character.

What was fun about Man of Steel? Of all the words I would use to describe this movie, fun was not one if them. Please elaborate.
What was fun about Man of Steel? Of all the words I would use to describe this movie, fun was not one if them. Please elaborate.

The action scenes are certainly fun (except for video game tentacles... but I always hated that idea). Kryptonians punching each other through the air and throwing trains at each other is pretty awesome.

My 10 year old digs the movie. He had a similar reaction to it that I did coming out of the original in '78. But that's probably because he's 10 and not yet a miserable wet blanket like most of us. :lol
What was fun about Man of Steel? Of all the words I would use to describe this movie, fun was not one if them. Please elaborate.

The action scenes were fun. I liked the sense of humor it had at times. The scene that comes to mind is when Superman has been arrested, and he's talking to Dr. Hamilton and just nonchalantly breaks the handcuffs. I think Cavil was great in the role, he was charming and earnest. For me the film had the right mix of seriousness and lightheartedness. It fit in with the better Superman comics.
The action scenes are certainly fun (except for video game tentacles... but I always hated that idea). Kryptonians punching each other through the air and throwing trains at each other is pretty awesome.

My 10 year old digs the movie. He had a similar reaction to it that I did coming out of the original in '78. But that's because he's 10 and not yet a miserable wet towel like most of us.

I don't know wether I should take that wet towel remark personal, but I do admit the effects were jaw dropping great, but I still do not see how two super powered beings beating the crap out of each other as being fun. Just as I thought the endless fights of films like mortal combat far from fun.
The action scenes were fun. I liked the sense of humor it had at times. The scene that comes to mind is when Superman has been arrested, and he's talking to Dr. Hamilton and just nonchalantly breaks the handcuffs. I think Cavil was great in the role, he was charming and earnest. For me the film had the right mix of seriousness and lightheartedness. It fit in with the better Superman comics.

Yeah, I love that scene as well. I wish it were longer.

I don't know wether I should take that wet towel remark personal, but I do admit the effects were jaw dropping great, but I still do not see how two super powered beings beating the crap out of each other as being fun. Just as I thought the endless fights of films like mortal combat far from fun.
Well, Superman just might not be your bag, then. Because him going toe-to-toe with other powerful beings is a big part of the character's appeal. Do you not watch any of the Bruce Timm animated series, or Justice League Unlimited or any of the animated movies? This is a huge part of those (hell, some of the fights in MOS were specifically inspired by the animated ones) and what many fans have been begging to see in a live action movie for years. And, yes, it's fun to watch. For many of us, anyway. It's pure fantasy.

Sorry you don't dig it or it doesn't appeal to you. We all have our own sensibilities. It is what it is.
10 year olds will definately focus on and love the battles and military stuff but I think they will zone out the DNA mumbo jumbo stuff.

I guess it would be similar to 10 year olds zoning out the Lex land plot in STM.

But Lex's land scheme is definately easier to follow than the DNA plot me thinks.

What's fun for some is not for others.

I will never jump out of a perfectly fine airplane, others think that's really fun.

I already learned to accept that my nephews love Attack of the Clones more than Empire Strikes Back.

It's like being shot in the face everytime I have that thought.
Yeah, I love that scene as well. I wish it were longer.

Well, Superman just might not be your bag, then. Because him going toe-to-toe with other powerful beings is a big part of the character's appeal. Do you not watch any of the Bruce Timm animated series, or Justice League Unlimited or any of the animated movies? This is a huge part of those (hell, some of the fights in MOS were specifically inspired by the animated ones) and what many fans have been begging to see in a live action movie for years. And, yes, it's fun to watch. For many of us, anyway. It's pure fantasy.

Sorry you don't dig it or it doesn't appeal to you. We all have our own sensibilities. It is what it is.

I like how he's not putting on a show, but his meaning is very plain. He's only here because he wants to be. If he decided he no longer wanted that to be the case, there is nothing they could do to stop him. I also loved the sci-fi aspects. I'm a huge geek for that kind of stuff. It's why I'm so psyched for Pacific Rim. And the fact that MoS went that route was a bonus for me.
Lex's land scheme is easy to follow because it's painfully dumb and lame. :lol That's probably the one aspect of the original movie that bugs me the most, actually. And it's also one of the things that hurts SUPERMAN RETURNS as well. I'm surprised you used that example.

Goyer's Kryptonian DNA stuff is indeed too convoluted, though. (because, hell, it's Goyer... that's what he does). What we need is a happy medium. We can't have any of the ludicrous Luthor land-grab stuff anymore, either.
Yeah, I love that scene as well. I wish it were longer.

Well, Superman just might not be your bag, then. Because him going toe-to-toe with other powerful beings is a big part of the character's appeal. Do you not watch any of the Bruce Timm animated series, or Justice League Unlimited or any of the animated movies? This is a huge part of those (hell, some of the fights in MOS were specifically inspired by the animated ones) and what many fans have been begging to see in a live action movie for years. And, yes, it's fun to watch. For many of us, anyway. It's pure fantasy.

Sorry you don't dig it or it doesn't appeal to you. We all have our own sensibilities. It is what it is.
I dig action and monumental destruction when there's a purpose behind it. But in those shows that you mention, especially the timm superman show, he's trying to minimize the destruction and is not just bashing for because its cool. If that's all you got from those shows then I guess you got the wrong message about the character and Superman is not your type of hero.
I've watched the Timm Superman Animated Series, Justice League and most of the animated movies many, many times. There are tons of times when Superman is just going toe-to-toe with someone like Darkseid and the result is mass destruction of buildings, vehicles, etc. Hell, a couple of the episodes have several times the destruction of MAN OF STEEL... all without Superman stopping to save people.

Sure, the animated shows/movies don't actually show people getting killed or dead bodies. Just lots of buildings and cities destroyed. But you know what? That's also the case in MAN OF STEEL.

I guess it's just okay for kids cartoons but live action fantasy is where some draw the line?

By the way, there is literally more blood in the animated SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY than in MOS.
I like how he's not putting on a show, but his meaning is very plain. He's only here because he wants to be. If he decided he no longer wanted that to be the case, there is nothing they could do to stop him. I also loved the sci-fi aspects. I'm a huge geek for that kind of stuff. It's why I'm so psyched for Pacific Rim. And the fact that MoS went that route was a bonus for me.

That part was great, it definately could've used more of Superman vs Government psychology, hopefully next time.

Adams / Cavill were excellent in that scene, too short though.

I bet the kids hated that scene, too boring, no splosions. :lol

Kids wouldn't pick up on the sexual tension between the 2 over the table while the peeping tom government was watching!

The government is always watching us was the message there.