Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Right now? The Phantom Stranger, Saga, Batman, Batman Inc., Earth-2, The Wake, Fashion Beast, and a few others that aren't immediately springing to mind.

Why are you defending Goyer all of a sudden? I thought you were the biggest critic of his over-complicating the story.
But it is still a massive disaster, and all the people of earth are left with is the knowledge that it will probably happen again the next time a supervillian appears.

No one is going to associate Superman with anything but fear and death.

And preservation of Humanity and the Courage of one standing up to many..
Why are you defending Goyer all of a sudden? I thought you were the biggest critic of his over-complications to the story.

I also said that if the movie had problems that you could probably look right at Goyer long before the movie came out. But, theres a difference in the writing problems this movie had and self entitled fanbois who cry because this movie wasn't the Superman they wanted.

Thats my take on it. You have alot of people discussing the good and the bad, but you have other people that just sling crap because it wasn't their version of Superman and seriously, those people can just suck it. :lecture
And preservation of Humanity and the Courage of one standing up to many..

Even though the general public in the story is unaware of this, the screenplay presents Jor-El's actions and Superman's very existence as a liability to earth. This would all be avoided if the origin was streamlined.
I also said that if the movie had problems that you could probably look right at Goyer long before the movie came out. But, theres a difference in the writing problems this movie had and self entitled fanbois who cry because this movie wasn't the Superman they wanted.

Thats my take on it. You have alot of people discussing the good and the bad, but you have other people that just sling crap because it wasn't their version of Superman and seriously, those people can just suck it. :lecture

Are you IrishJedi?
Are you IrishJedi?

I can tell you I'm not crying over Zod's snapped neck or the realistic protrayal of the **** that would go down if super powered aliens decided to rumble in a large town.

And no, despite the fact that you're attempting to make a pitiful joke, I'm not Jedi. He and I usually are at odds on Superhero stuff, which makes me wonder what he'd think of this movie if he weren't involved in its production. :lol
I can tell you I'm not crying over Zod's snapped neck or the realistic protrayal of the **** that would go down if super powered aliens decided to rumble in a large town.

And no, despite the fact that you're attempting to make a pitiful joke, I'm not Jedi. He and I usually are at odds on Superhero stuff, which makes me wonder what he'd think of this movie if he weren't involved in its production. :lol

i always suspected you were Sith :devil

I keed :1-1:
I can tell you I'm not crying over Zod's snapped neck or the realistic protrayal of the **** that would go down if super powered aliens decided to rumble in a large town.

And no, despite the fact that you're attempting to make a pitiful joke, I'm not Jedi. He and I usually are at odds on Superhero stuff, which makes me wonder what he'd think of this movie if he weren't involved in its production. :lol

I'm not even debating the ending at this point. I'm merely pointing out the screenplay presents Jor El's baby rocket as a harbinger of self-fulilling prophecy.
I'm not even debating the ending at this point. I'm merely pointing out the screenplay presents Jor El's baby rocket as a harbinger of self-fulilling prophecy.

Because of what crazy Russell Crowe said? :lol

Screw him.

Too much posting, my battery is almost dead... goodbye cruel posters... for awhile anyway...
I also said that if the movie had problems that you could probably look right at Goyer long before the movie came out. But, theres a difference in the writing problems this movie had and self entitled fanbois who cry because this movie wasn't the Superman they wanted.

Thats my take on it. You have alot of people discussing the good and the bad, but you have other people that just sling crap because it wasn't their version of Superman and seriously, those people can just suck it. :lecture

Forget Superman for a second.

Il debate a movie with anyone for hours. Honestly I find it fun if the debate is in good faith. But the second you start turning to personal attacks and insults (like you have) it just ruins it. Especially when your justification of there being a line between legitimate criticisms and "entitled whining" (two annoying words which are thrown around this forum like candy); seems to be wherever you decide to arbitrarily draw it.
Shadow: No one in that world is going to associate Superman with anything but fear and death. WW2 may have been necessary, but no one was happy to see it happen.

By this logic, lets cease producing any action/adventure movies ever. I guess Supes and Zod should have sat down and settled the debate by playing a game of poker or something.

I truly want to know where this argument was, when "The Avengers" was in theatres.

Anyone with even a minimal knowledge of comics knows, the wholesale destruction of large cities or even entire planets is often a key point of the plot. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! About a square mile in Metropolis was destroyed, that is far from the entire city.

We cant have tornados, because THINK OF THE TORNADO VICTIMS!! We cant show buildings collapsing because THINK OF 9/11!!! We cant show big storms because THINK OF THE KATRINA VICTIMS! I mean, this whole over-sensitivity thing is just really getting on my nerves.

I'm an adult who is easily able to enjoy the sight of paranormals laying waste to square miles of urban development while they settle a grudge. The sight of a guy from outer space throwing a pickup truck THROUGH A HOUSE with no effort whatsoever does not upset me; I am awestruck by his power. These things are NOT REAL - no one actually got hurt, and I am starting to think all this is just too psychologically upsetting for some folks. In all seriousness, perhaps this genre is just not for those who take it all a little too seriously.

MoS is not torture porn, yet I see a level of complaint that almost makes me think some people think it IS. If you want something to righteously complain about, the horror genre is that-a-way.
Thats a straw man argument and you know it.

There was absolutely no reason why the climax had to be a cold 30 minute long CGI mess. And there was certainly no reason why the damage had to be portrayed as so ridiculously massive besides the fact that Zach Snyder thought it was cool.

The reason no one criticised the Avengers is because the damage in that movie was limited to a few blocks and seemed almost inconsequential compared to the 100X 9/11 that went down here.

The climax could have played out just the same with more limited destruction. And actually your description of "CGI torture porn" is a pretty good way to describe it.
Again, Superman did no bear any guilt for the events that happened in MoS.

Also, maybe Lara or Jor-El should've been judged for stealing the codex, maybe not, as the council seemed to agree with Jor-El before Zod's coup, but Zod never rat on Lara when he was being judged.

Zod is always bounded to go where Superman is, even in the comics and in the Donner movies, the only reason ZoD is in planet earth is because Superman threw the bomb into space, that's the relationship Zod has with Superman.

And Superman IS a symbol of hope in MoS, it wasn't his fault what happened, he didn't cause the destruction, but he did stop it.

Now, Jor-El isn't to blame either he couldn't possibly know the destruction of Krypton would free Zod, plus Jor-El and Lara didn't go along with Kal-El because he said it in the movie, they were as much a product of failed Krypton as Zod was.

And I don't understand why some people think the codex plot is "convoluted", is it really so hard to understand? It's not like you need Morgan Freed to explain it to you.
By this logic, lets cease producing any action/adventure movies ever. I guess Supes and Zod should have sat down and settled the debate by playing a game of poker or something.

I truly want to know where this argument was, when "The Avengers" was in theatres.

Anyone with even a minimal knowledge of comics knows, the wholesale destruction of large cities or even entire planets is often a key point of the plot. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! About a square mile in Metropolis was destroyed, that is far from the entire city.

We cant have tornados, because THINK OF THE TORNADO VICTIMS!! We cant show buildings collapsing because THINK OF 9/11!!! We cant show big storms because THINK OF THE KATRINA VICTIMS! I mean, this whole over-sensitivity thing is just really getting on my nerves.

I'm an adult who is easily able to enjoy the sight of paranormals laying waste to square miles of urban development while they settle a grudge. The sight of a guy from outer space throwing a pickup truck THROUGH A HOUSE with no effort whatsoever does not upset me; I am awestruck by his power. These things are NOT REAL - no one actually got hurt, and I am starting to think all this is just too psychologically upsetting for some folks. In all seriousness, perhaps this genre is just not for those who take it all a little too seriously.

MoS is not torture porn, yet I see a level of complaint that almost makes me think some people think it IS. If you want something to righteously complain about, the horror genre is that-a-way.

You are right on the money :exactly::goodpost::lecture
Thats a straw man argument and you know it.

There was absolutely no reason why the climax had to be a cold 30 minute long CGI mess. And there was certainly no reason why the damage had to be portrayed as so ridiculously massive besides the fact that Zach Snyder thought it was cool.

The reason no one criticised the Avengers is because the damage in that movie was limited to a few blocks and seemed almost inconsequential compared to the 100X 9/11 that went down here.

The climax could have played out just the same with more limited destruction. And actually your description of "CGI torture porn" is a pretty good way to describe it.

There is every reason for it an I'm sure it wasn't even 20 minutes, the amount of damage the world engine was causing.... it was only logical how the destruction was going to be portrayed.

In the avengers the Chitauri were to even close to the threat Zod represented, I've said it before, the teen titans or Young Justice could've stopped the Chitauri and Loki.
Exactly, but loss of life did happen in the movie and the deaths were the cost of saving the Earth, a neccessary cost.

We accept there was destruction and death, but it's what happened, we accept it and move on.

But its alot easier for us to fondly talk about the ultimate necessity of war and the inspiration that can be taken from standing up to evil when we aren't the ones that had to live through it and make the sacrifices. Back then the soldiers weren't idealistic and hopeful; they were living through hell and couldn't wait for it to be over.

Imagine the sadness that would come from having one of America's largest cities be destroyed with most of its population, and the pretty justifiable mass paranoia that would come from the knowledge that this will probably happen again at any second on a semi-regular basis.
The worldwide attitudes that would exist just don't represent Superman to me or what he is supposed to stand for.
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