Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
Are you kidding? Celtic about went ape **** over him in Wolverine Origins!
Reynolds gave an update on the spin off recently
Are you kidding? Celtic about went ape **** over him in Wolverine Origins!
I think that's true, but I'm not sure that has changed? Michael Bay films are insanely popular, after all.I'll probably get burned for this, but its the time it came out imo. Although 1980 had some epic movies, pure drivel was expected and enjoyed. Leaps in logic weren't even questioned in movies.
Let me interrupt this thread with a picture of Cavill in a wifebeater........you're welcome.![]()
I think that's true, but I'm not sure that has changed? Michael Bay films are insanely popular, after all.
Superman 2. . .I like it, I have nostalgia for it, but it's got some problems and that's putting it lightly. Losing his powers, wiping Lois's memory, the wacky S-shield prison, joyfully murdering the Kryptonians at the end, frighteningly using his powers to take petty frustrations out on the guy who picked on him when he had no powers. The bigger ethical issue is probably from part 1 where he turns back time for an extremely selfish purpose, but. . .like Niltusk says, these movies weren't concerned with being heavily scrutinized in that way. Having said all that, I think they succeeded in some ways that MOS doesn't, in that they had joy and heart. And when a movie doesn't take itself so seriously, I think you can give it much more of a pass with wacky stuff like this, whereas a movie has ambitions of being "gritty and realistic" then it's really asking to be judged on those levels.
...joyfully murdering kryptonians at the end...
At least Cavill performed a Klingon scream afterwards.
...And if Superman doesn't work out he could always hope for an Alpha Flight movie.
In the Man of Steel novelization I'm up to the part where he remembers his father's death. Before that he flies and he goes practically around the world. Tears fall from his eyes as he flies, twisting and turning. In the movie the angles are so tight that you never get a feeling of freedom. At first he leaps in the air, smiles and falls to the ground. He flies around some horses, but the camera is so tight on him that it does not look fun. Everytime you see him he's zipping around so fast that even the feat of flying, possibly the one ability that anyone would love to have looks dull.
What happens to Zod in STM is unbridled murder.
Superman knows Zod was changed to just a mere human, then he first tortures him by crushing his hand bones, then he murders him in cold blood.
Screw that deleted scene of Zod going to jail.![]()
That could be to make it more realistic.
Are you kidding? Celtic about went ape **** over him in Wolverine Origins!
Because they ruined his character, and that movie was beyond horrendous.
Because they ruined his character, and that movie was beyond horrendous.
I'll give Man of Steel this much--it is a better film than Wolverine: Origins.