Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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I'm not even happy about it. I would prefer to keep these franchises seperate until Bats is rebooted on his own for a movie and we saw the fallout from the first MOS in his own sequel, but I'm just being realistic. Compared to the 3 Nolan Bat movies, Superman didn't quite stack up. I don't see them now alienating Batman fans and all their money by having this new rookie Superman beat him mercilessly.

I [and many others] won't be too pleased to have our sense of logic insulted by the idea of a mere human "mercilessly beating" a guy who has the power to literally push planets out of their orbits. And who throws locomotives.

If they're just going to get all stupid with this premise, I will totally lose interest. And all these issues yet again point out WHY MERGING THESE FRANCHISES IS A HORRIBLE IDEA.
I [and many others] won't be too pleased to have our sense of logic insulted by the idea of a mere human "mercilessly beating" a guy who has the power to literally push planets out of their orbits. And who throws locomotives.

Push planets out of orbit? Is the current comics iteration of Superman even that strong? Creatively speaking, why would you even want him to be that strong?

Hopefully, the current iteration is closer to DCAU Superman. I never saw him do anything that ridiculous. He may have lifted part of a building once or twice, and even then, I'm pretty sure he strained when he did it.

If they're just going to get all stupid with this premise, I will totally lose interest. And all these issues yet again point out WHY MERGING THESE FRANCHISES IS A HORRIBLE IDEA.

They've been merged since at least 1960. It's called the DC UNIVERSE.
The first team up was actually in the 50s.

And Batman was kicking Supes' *** then too.
The first team up was actually in the 50s.

And Batman was kicking Supes' *** then too.


Hopefully, the current iteration is closer to DCAU Superman. I never saw him do anything that ridiculous. He may have lifted part of a building once or twice, and even then, I'm pretty sure he strained when he did it.

Let me know when Batman can lift even one building. Even a 7-11, or the local post office.

They've been merged since at least 1960. It's called the DC UNIVERSE.

They've never been merged in the sense that Batman is taking over Superman's film franchise. To quote Otis Firefly, "Hope you like what you see...!" - because this definitely has the chance to be a double-edged sword that just might end up cutting Batman fans as deeply as it does Superman fans.
I [and many others] won't be too pleased to have our sense of logic insulted by the idea of a mere human "mercilessly beating" a guy who has the power to literally push planets out of their orbits. And who throws locomotives.

If they're just going to get all stupid with this premise, I will totally lose interest. And all these issues yet again point out WHY MERGING THESE FRANCHISES IS A HORRIBLE IDEA.

In MoS they showed that they weren't completely invulnerable, like when Faora got knocked out from the missiles and the larger caliber rounds knocking the giant and Superman around....granted they weren't physically hurt by them but they didn't just bounce off with no effect whatsoever. To me Batman would have to be an already established character to even try to contend with Superman because a Batman just starting out would still be finding his own way and wouldn't be the world's greatest detective yet and wouldn't know how to take down Superman. Batman's best weapon against Superman would also be kryptonite which so far as we know doesn't exist on Earth in this movie universe yet. I personally like the idea of the two being at odds with eachother before finally forging their friendship but I do think another stand alone Superman movie to further establish him in the new movie universe should be made before adding Batman to the mix....maybe introduce him at the end of the movie or as an after credits scene.
Let me know when Batman can lift even one building. Even a 7-11, or the local post office.

Batman doesn't need that level of super-strength to beat Superman, just powered armor, Kryptonite, red sunlight, etc.

They've never been merged in the sense that Batman is taking over Superman's film franchise.

Batman's not taking over. This is the Batman/Superman film that fans have been waiting for for decades, not to mention the launching pad for a shared DC film universe that DC fans have wanted since the DCAU, and everyone else has wanted since The Avengers. The only reason it hasn't been done yet is WB apparently didn't have the marketing sense to do it, and let Marvel try it out first.
Batman doesn't need that level of super-strength to beat Superman, just powered armor, Kryptonite, red sunlight, etc.


Batman's not taking over.

Except that judging even from the responses in this one thread, he is. This thread is full of "WOOHOOO! Bats is taking over!" So, ok. Bats is taking over.

Hope you like what you see.
Batman isn't taking over. WB is just letting Zack move towards building a larger, connected DC film universe and they don't want to take 5-10 years to do it. This is the best way... Pulling Bats into the MOS follow-up instantly opens it all up. They need more than just fun Easter Eggs for fans to do it.

And there will still be other Superman sequels where he is solo. If this works, we're going to be getting a ton of cool DC movies. Solo flicks, cross-over teamups, Justice League and more.
Batman isn't taking over. WB is just letting Zack move towards building a larger, connected DC film universe and they don't want to take 5-10 years to do it. This is the best way... Pulling Bats into the MOS follow-up instantly opens it all up. They need more than just fun Easter Eggs for fans to do it.

And there will still be other Superman sequels where he is solo. If this works, we're going to be getting a ton of cool DC movies. Solo flicks, cross-over teamups, Justice League and more.


I wish more people would see the big picture, rather than whining about Superman getting shafted.
I think it's a little early to start talking about the big picture. We have had one movie, like it or not. Marvel did the ground work for years to build up what they now have.
I think it's a little early to start talking about the big picture. We have had one movie, like it or not. Marvel did the ground work for years to build up what they now have.

Too early to lay out the framework for a franchise that has the potential of costing and/or earning billions of dollars?? Tell me, when exactly would be a good time for WB to start looking at the big picture? Maybe after Avengers 2 hits, just so they can be absolutely sure that this whole 'shared superhero universe' that kids these days are raving about isn't some kind of fluke or phase?
Too early to lay out the framework for a franchise that has the potential of costing and/or earning billions of dollars?? Tell me, when exactly would be a good time for WB to start looking at the big picture? Maybe after Avengers 2 hits, just so they can be absolutely sure that this whole 'shared superhero universe' that kids these days are raving about isn't some kind of fluke or phase?

After they have more than one successful movie to start cross pollinating with. We haven't even been introduced to our new Batman yet, so they are hardly building this on proven ground. Reeks of short term cash in.
After they have more than one successful movie to start cross pollinating with. We haven't even been introduced to our new Batman yet, so they are hardly building this on proven ground. Reeks of short term cash in.

Batman needs no introduction.