Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I didn't hear too many people complain when Nolan decided to make the Joker a main player in the Dark Knight and yet when Snyder and friends decides to "resurrect" Zod, everyone goes a little overboard with the Hater-Aid.

The reason there was no Joker-hate is because Joker is Batman's arch nemesis. Before TDK, the Joker has been in exactly one movie out of 5 produced. Audiences were ready for the Joker after 4 non-Joker movies and a reboot.

Not to get too far off track, but I really wish people would stop citing TDK whenever they want to prove a point about movies, especially with casting, but that's a rant for another day.

So why not Zod?

Because we've already seen Zod, and Zod is no Joker. Superman's arch nemesis is Luthor, and Luthor has been done to death. If we're going to have a movie that features something other than the arch-vaillain, we (by "we", I mean those of us in Team Anyone-but-Zod) want something fresh, something that hasn't been seen in the films yet.

Lots of people here are hung up on this movie needing to distance itself from the previous run of movies. What better way to do that than to bring in a villain that hasn't been done in the movies yet?

With Zod, if he is in fact the main villain (which we don't really know yet, do we?), we're getting a remake of Superman II. I know it's not really a remake of Superman II, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that the public at large will see it that way.
Re: The Man of Steel

I was really hoping for Darkseid, and then they bring back ____ing Zod again. Don't get me wrong I love Terrence Stamp in Superman 2, but I did not want to see Zod again in this movie.
____ you Zack Snyder, you lying Bastard
Re: The Man of Steel

Saying that, the actor Michael Shannon is a good pick for Zod
Re: The Man of Steel

I know for me, another reason I'm not crazy about Zod is because he was a main villain in Smallville as well. But I have faith in Snyder, Nolan and Goyer. I imagine it will be a fresh take on the character. Of all people, I'm pretty sure Snyder doesn't want his movie to feel anything like the previous films, so I imagine it won't feel like an updated Superman II.
Re: The Man of Steel

Eh, at least Superman will be able to fight something. I feel bad for Brandon Routh...great Superman in a mediocre movie. I am open to this guy as Zod but yeah...Viggo would have been pretty cool.
Re: The Man of Steel

The reason there was no Joker-hate is because Joker is Batman's arch nemesis. Before TDK, the Joker has been in exactly one movie out of 5 produced. Audiences were ready for the Joker after 4 non-Joker movies and a reboot.

Not to get too far off track, but I really wish people would stop citing TDK whenever they want to prove a point about movies, especially with casting, but that's a rant for another day.

Because we've already seen Zod, and Zod is no Joker. Superman's arch nemesis is Luthor, and Luthor has been done to death. If we're going to have a movie that features something other than the arch-vaillain, we (by "we", I mean those of us in Team Anyone-but-Zod) want something fresh, something that hasn't been seen in the films yet.

Lots of people here are hung up on this movie needing to distance itself from the previous run of movies. What better way to do that than to bring in a villain that hasn't been done in the movies yet?

With Zod, if he is in fact the main villain (which we don't really know yet, do we?), we're getting a remake of Superman II. I know it's not really a remake of Superman II, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that the public at large will see it that way.

I can appreciate the desire to see something new, but I just feel the negativity against Zod at this point is unwarranted, whether he's the main villain or not. Sure, he may not be Joker-like status, but when it comes to Supes villains, he is one of the most recognized in terms of pop-culture, even moreso than Brainiac and Darkseid, second only to Luthor and maybe Doomsday IMO. And while he's been done once before on the big screen, that was four installments ago, so the "we've already seen him" argument doesnt hold well when you see the success of Ledger as the Joker (especially in the face of Nickelson's performance.). Two-Face is another villain reborn on-screen, welcomed with open arms. Again, I apologize for TDK reference, but when you execute a superhero movie as well as Nolan did, it's going to get referenced, especially when dealing with a movie of this potential.

I also agree with you that I'd like to see this new film distance itself from what we've already seen. Give us something new, but you don't need necessarily need a new villain. The writing, directing, and acting will take care of that. I've seen four different actors don the Bat Suit. That doesn't mean I'm tired of seeing Batman on screen Every time I see a new actor fill the suit, it's like starting with a clean slate. Now, a reboot every year would get a little excessive, but with a character like Zod who we haven't seen on the big screen for 30 years, I welcome it.
Re: The Man of Steel

I can appreciate the desire to see something new, but I just feel the negativity against Zod at this point is unwarranted, whether he's the main villain or not. Sure, he may not be Joker-like status, but when it comes to Supes villains, he is one of the most recognized in terms of pop-culture, even moreso than Brainiac and Darkseid, second only to Luthor and maybe Doomsday IMO. And while he's been done once before on the big screen, that was four installments ago, so the "we've already seen him" argument doesnt hold well when you see the success of Ledger as the Joker (especially in the face of Nickelson's performance.). Two-Face is another villain reborn on-screen, welcomed with open arms. Again, I apologize for TDK reference, but when you execute a superhero movie as well as Nolan did, it's going to get referenced, especially when dealing with a movie of this potential.

I also agree with you that I'd like to see this new film distance itself from what we've already seen. Give us something new, but you don't need necessarily need a new villain. The writing, directing, and acting will take care of that. I've seen four different actors don the Bat Suit. That doesn't mean I'm tired of seeing Batman on screen Every time I see a new actor fill the suit, it's like starting with a clean slate. Now, a reboot every year would get a little excessive, but with a character like Zod who we haven't seen on the big screen for 30 years, I welcome it.

Too many words. zzzz zzzz

I keed Chap. :wave
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman has had a string of films that have underperformed at the box office. Debates on the quality of SIII, S:QforP and SR notwithstanding, the bottom line for WB is $$$.

More to the point they will be asking is Superman worth investing in past the year 2013? Because it's WB who are likely to secure copyrights for themselves and DC.

Sometime between now and the copyright transfer in 2013 WB will need to decide if they are going to write a BIG DAMN CHECK to buy Superman.

If Man of Steel does poor box office that answer will be no.

That means the end of Superman as we know him. Superman Issue 1 will revert fully back to the heirs of his creators. Yet certain aspects of the character remain the property of DC comics. His modern powers. His post issue 1 costumes. The "S". His villains. 70 years of stories and backstory and evolution of the character.

And once the copyright transfers over the DC universe will then need to re-con Superman away. If nothing changes Superman will fight Lex Luthor one last time between now and 2013. And then never again.

So the new movie needs to put butts in seats. This movie needs to be a hit so WB understands this is still a valuable corporate investment.

Superman needs an ace in the hole. He needs to fight his most recognized foe besides Luthor. And that's Zod.
Re: The Man of Steel

We dont even know if Zod will be the big bad.....he could be used at the beginning on Krypton.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well if Zod is not the main villian and just used for the beginnig, it will be like Superman I.
Also, I don't mind if Warner or DC loses the rights to Superman and they way they evolved him. Superman being nothing but a big battery and the sun is his recharging station is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well if Zod is not the main villian and just used for the beginnig, it will be like Superman I.
Also, I don't mind if Warner or DC loses the rights to Superman and they way they evolved him. Superman being nothing but a big battery and the sun is his recharging station is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

The 80s reboot of Superman was a great way to update the character - giving a pseudo-scientific explanation of his powers adds to the realism of the character, no matter how specious the science.

If the character is split neither one will be "Superman" - it will just be like one is "Superiorman" and the other is "The Sentry". WB would be idiots not to try and make a deal.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well if Zod is not the main villain and just used for the beginning, it will be like Superman I.
Also, I don't mind if Warner or DC loses the rights to Superman and they way they evolved him. Superman being nothing but a big battery and the sun is his recharging station is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

If WB (and their corporate sibling DC) lose Superman the Shuster and Siegel families will have Superman issue one and the first two weeks of the daily comic strip to base a new version of Superman on. They would be able to shop Superman around to a new publisher (or creating one).

But Superman in issue 1 leaps. He cannot fly. His powers are a shadow of what they evolved into over 70 years. If Superman changes ownership WB/DC will be watching like hawks that their contributions to the character are no longer used.

I'm all for creator's rights, and Siegal and Shuster were screwed over the years. But as a Superman fan I feel like lawyers are going to tear the character in half.
Re: The Man of Steel

Well if Zod is not the main villian and just used for the beginnig, it will be like Superman I.
Also, I don't mind if Warner or DC loses the rights to Superman and they way they evolved him. Superman being nothing but a big battery and the sun is his recharging station is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

As opposed to being bitten by a radioactive Spider and then being able to climb walls rather than dying of Radiation poisoning. Do you even like comics?
Re: The Man of Steel

I have absolutely know idea about what is going on with the Superman copyright, but if WB loses it, could Disney/Marvel potentially pick it up?
Re: The Man of Steel

I have absolutely know idea about what is going on with the Superman copyright, but if WB loses it, could Disney/Marvel potentially pick it up?

Disney/Marvel could license or buy Superman if the creator's heirs choose to do that. But it would not be Superman as he is depicted in comics today, so it's debatable how much that would be worth.