Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

I like the Zod decision just based on who was cast. Michael Shannon is a fantastic actor. There are a lot of very talented people working on this movie. I have a good feeling about this movie.
Re: The Man of Steel

I don't believe Zod was ever in the Superman animated series.

Don't blame Dave, he thought Natalie Portman was in A New Hope. :lol In his defense though Jax-Ur was in the animated series and it was admitted it was a combination of that character and Zod most specifically from the Superman films.

More to the point they will be asking is Superman worth investing in past the year 2013? Because it's WB who are likely to secure copyrights for themselves and DC. Sometime between now and the copyright transfer in 2013 WB will need to decide if they are going to write a BIG DAMN CHECK to buy Superman.

They've basically admitted that the issue with WB is cash and they've said that both families feel that WB is actively trying to keep Superman off the big screen. One of the stipulations of the rights reverting was that WB have a Superman film by December 2013...Also WB has offered to buy Superman, that isn't what they want, they want the funds from leasing it.

That means the end of Superman as we know him. Superman Issue 1 will revert fully back to the heirs of his creators. Yet certain aspects of the character remain the property of DC comics. His modern powers. His post issue 1 costumes. The "S". His villains. 70 years of stories and backstory and evolution of the character.

Not as clearcut as this but a good summary, there was a huge thread on these boards about it....too lazy to look for it.

And once the copyright transfers over the DC universe will then need to re-con Superman away.

They've already taken steps to achieve this, hence the planet Daxum which is basically Krypton. Sodam Yat from Daxum is basically Superman with a Green Lantern ring. Hell the Daxumites were at direct odds with the New Kryptonians. One Superboy Prime punch, bad pun intended, and they could meld the two without much issue. Superman would still be Superman, they could even use the "S" and even call him "Super-Man" and still not violate trademarks or even one of his nicknames. DC has taken steps to do so if they had to, even though they two the line that they aren''s very visible.

So the new movie needs to put butts in seats. This movie needs to be a hit so WB understands this is still a valuable corporate investment. Superman needs an ace in the hole. He needs to fight his most recognized foe besides Luthor. And that's Zod.

You are being shortsighted. Superman's earning powers are not based in film alone. He is a cashbox full from merchandising, animated features, toys, etc even with a string of horrible films. Trust me DC/WB want Superman despite not having him on the big screen, his earning potential far outweighs it. This film will not decide WB's interest in the character.

But Superman in issue 1 leaps. He cannot fly. His powers are a shadow of what they evolved into over 70 years. If Superman changes ownership WB/DC will be watching like hawks that their contributions to the character are no longer used. I'm all for creator's rights, and Siegal and Shuster were screwed over the years. But as a Superman fan I feel like lawyers are going to tear the character in half.

If Superman is shopped to another company they'd get the original costume color scheme, the origin and I believe Lois, Perry and a couple loose villains. No other company would want to deal with WB so they'd definitely try to have a new stamp that'd be a seller simply because people would want to see if it could work.

I have absolutely know idea about what is going on with the Superman copyright, but if WB loses it, could Disney/Marvel potentially pick it up?

Yes, although the families probably wouldn't want it there. It's about cash, rights is at the roots and I'm sure some of that is there but in reality they are fighting over the bottom dollar. So the families are going to want Superman to go somewhere where he'd be a star meaning that they'd probably look at B level Comic Book companies where he could be the lynchpin and be focused on instead at Marvel where he'd be around already established heroes and they've already got three different Superman styled characters.

Wherever he goes the rights agreements would be stiff requiring films, media, comics and merchandising which many lower companies might not be able to do.

Mark my words in 2014 Superman will still be at DC and WB without a problem, this is all posturing from the families side to get more.
Re: The Man of Steel

I don't believe Zod was ever in the Superman animated series.

You are correct.

I was thinking of Jax-Ur. Another power-hungry Kryptonian banished to the Phantom basically, it was Zod's brother. (j/k) So humor me here. You're making me look bad! :lol

Edit: And Mike beats me to it. :lol
Re: The Man of Steel

The Mike said:
They've already taken steps to achieve this, hence the planet Daxum which is basically Krypton. Sodam Yat from Daxum is basically Superman with a Green Lantern ring. Hell the Daxumites were at direct odds with the New Kryptonians. One Superboy Prime punch, bad pun intended, and they could meld the two without much issue. Superman would still be Superman, they could even use the "S" and even call him "Super-Man" and still not violate trademarks or even one of his nicknames. DC has taken steps to do so if they had to, even though they two the line that they aren''s very visible.

Mon-El is a more likely stand-in for Superman and they even had him fill in on Supes monthly title during the all-too-long New Krypton arch. Mon-El's character is similar in appearance. His powers are nearly identical. His personality is very close to Clark Kent. His weakness to lead is a close approximation to Kryptonite. Even the Red/Blue of his costume lends itself to adaptation into a Superman-ish suit. The S-shield belongs to DC. They can redefine it's meaning and stick it on whoever they want.

His backstory would need certain Kryptonian references retconned away.

The Mike said:
You are being shortsighted. Superman's earning powers are not based in film alone. He is a cashbox full from merchandising, animated features, toys, etc even with a string of horrible films. Trust me DC/WB want Superman despite not having him on the big screen, his earning potential far outweighs it. This film will not decide WB's interest in the character.

Superman merchandise is worth a billion dollars a year even when there's not a film to pimp. A big share of that goes to WB/DC. There's dolls, toys, comics, clothes... and a whole backlog of film and TV series. The ability to capitalize on the existing Superman shows and films on video relies on an agreement with the Siegals and Schusters.

The Mike said:
If Superman is shopped to another company they'd get the original costume color scheme, the origin and I believe Lois, Perry and a couple loose villains. No other company would want to deal with WB so they'd definitely try to have a new stamp that'd be a seller simply because people would want to see if it could work.

Issue one contained:
The rudimentary costume of issue 1. Lois Lane. Clark Kent. The Daily star and it's "Editor" (the name Perry White came after issue 1) Krypton. The rocket ship to earth. Faster than a speeding bullet. Able to leap tall buildings. Skin strong enough to withstand a bursting shell.

The first week of the Superman dailies contained the Escape from Krypton in detail. The name Kal-El is established. So is Jor-El.

The Mike said:
Mark my words in 2014 Superman will still be at DC and WB without a problem, this is all posturing from the families side to get more.

Quite possible. but if he is leased then that will be subject to renewal on a periodic basis.

Superman is hardly alone in the copyright termination game. The Kirby children are working to take back ownership of everything Jack created. Think of how Disney\Marvel would be decimated by such a loss. Disney just paid $5B for Marvel Comics, and Marvel might lose the crown jewels. What's left at Marvel without Kirby's stuff? Besides Spider-man and Wolverine not much.
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Re: The Man of Steel

Don't blame Dave, he thought Natalie Portman was in A New Hope. :lol In his defense though Jax-Ur was in the animated series and it was admitted it was a combination of that character and Zod most specifically from the Superman films.


I never said Zod was in the animated series - I guess I was trying to be too clever - the Small screen - referring to Small-ville. I liked both Zod's there, but the Lex-od was the best.
Re: The Man of Steel

I never said Zod was in the animated series - I guess I was trying to be too clever - the Small screen - referring to Small-ville. I liked both Zod's there, but the Lex-od was the best.

I made the Zod/Supes:TAS comment. I confused Jax-Ur with Zod which was an honest mistake because it basically was Zod in concept (for those who saw the episode some years ago.)

As for the "Lex-Od" concept, I absolutely loved it when I saw it unfold. Season 6 was by far my favorite season on Smallville. It was the also the peak of Brainiac's storyline on the show as far as I'm concerned, but I digress.
Re: The Man of Steel

Diane Lane, who will play Martha Kent in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, briefly hinted to E! Online about how early in life we'll get to see Superman:

"I read the script under lock and key... I was locked in a room with the script and was only allowed three hours with it. I nailed it into my memory. I'm really excited. I'm really not allowed to talk much about it, I think, but it does cover the entire range of years, from infancy on."

Lane previously starred alongside Ben Affleck in the George Reeves film Hollywoodland, and she added:"When I worked on Hollywoodland, I got to experience sort of the behind the scenes of what it was like for the people who were making the television series that I grew up watching, so it's all very inbred in my mind... But this is going to be a whole reinvention. A visitation and a reinvention."

On a personal aside: Smallville is an abomination (imho).:wave
Re: The Man of Steel

Did Diane Lane add that last part too?!?!? :mad: j/k

I'm warming up to Lane as Mrs. Kent. I wasn't too fond of it at first, but she's certainly got the acting chops. Looking forward to how production on this unfolds.
Re: The Man of Steel

The Zod actor said he wasn't allowed to read the script - Zack just talked him through it. Why is Diane Lane so special?
Re: The Man of Steel

Maybe Zod has a smaller part in this? A background character pulling the strings or something so they wanted to keep the rest of it a secret since he wouldn't need it? :dunno
Re: The Man of Steel

On a personal aside: Smallville is an abomination (imho).:wave

For once I agree with you.

It was actually really well done, led by Rosenbaum's masterful performance. Once of the more epic arcs on a TV show.

Oh boy Dave, sure Rosenbaum was the ONLY thing good on that show but who boy did Clark suck. Lois was ok, at least she was attractive. So was Lana too.
Re: The Man of Steel

I would kill a hobo for a night with Erica Durance. True Story.

Kristin Kreuk? No. I prefer her porn counterpart Danni Cole.

(I wonder how many are going to google Danni Cole now that I posted that...)