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Nobody every spoke that way about Jack Kirby. Not only was he one of the fathers of comics as we know them but a decent down to earth guy.

One of my big regrets was I lived about a mile from him at one point (this was the early 90's). I was told that he was always very nice to fans who would drop by to say hello but I could never work up the nerve to do so.
Nobody every spoke that way about Jack Kirby. Not only was he one of the fathers of comics as we know them but a decent down to earth guy.

One of my big regrets was I lived about a mile from him at one point (this was the early 90's). I was told that he was always very nice to fans who would drop by to say hello but I could never work up the nerve to do so.


you should've went over and asked him to draw on your body. :horror
Wait... are you saying someone may have had a bad day, and that we shouldn't judge and label them based on one occassion and opinion? Are you trying to say this man could still be a decent human being even though he made baby Jesus (Nam) weep on a particular day?


Holy tiddybabies Batnam! :horror

It's a shame to hear Ross is a jerk. He is immensely talented.

Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to the prettiest girl in school is the day she realizes she's the prettiest girl in school.

It's not me he pissed off, it's his colleagues. But I guess you'd need basic reading comprehension to get the gist of that. :huh

He did call you Jesus though. KRAKA-BOOM!

you should've went over and asked him to draw on your body. :horror


Although now that you mention it there were a ton of tattoo parlors in Tucson. Can you imagine getting an original Kirby inked on you? That would be ultimate badass.

My wife was stationed at Davis Monthan AFB right after we got married. She worked in the base inventory office and she worked with a couple of comic book fans so we hit it off. Every Tues night the local comic books stores got their shipments in, and there was on place that always sold 30% off cover for the evening. So we'd go pick up our stash and along the way "There's his house!", "I heard they'll serve you coffee and talk your ear off!".

But Kirby was a big hero of mine and sometimes it's a mistake to try and meet your heroes. (I would have been crushed if he turned out to be a d-ck). I've been kicking my own *** for years looking back at that missed opportunity.
It's not me he pissed off, it's his colleagues. But I guess you'd need basic reading comprehension to get the gist of that. :huh

I don't know his colleagues, it was a joke and since the convo extended off what you posted I used you; sorry if it irritated you, Senor Pissant.
All's I knows is that, from my own experiences, Alex Ross was an extremely personable, nice guy when I talked to him. At the end of the day, that's about the extent our insight goes; that, when we met him, he was good/bad, and that, on one occasion, someone he worked with might have said something negative about him. I hardly see how that's reason to start calling him a "jerk," though. Especially those who've never encountered the dude; you're out of your element, Donnie.
I met Bruce Campbell at a book signing once. He has a reputation for being a d-ck but he was awesome. The bookstore ran out of room for the crowd and he ran outside and told everyone to stick around, he'd make sure they all got some time. He talked for an hour (great storyteller) and took his time speaking with everyone.

We all have good days and bad.
I met Bruce Campbell at a book signing once. He has a reputation for being a d-ck but he was awesome. The bookstore ran out of room for the crowd and he ran outside and told everyone to stick around, he'd make sure they all got some time. He talked for an hour (great storyteller) and took his time speaking with everyone.

We all have good days and bad.

Exactly my point; we shouldn't make snap judgements about who people are based solely on the opinions of a few comic book fans. Ya'know?
Like Kamandi pointed out, I wouldn't care who says Bruce is this or that, if he were cool to me, thats what would matter. :lecture