So if the info on the Kotex was imprinted on Kal's DNA, why not just take it from Kal's blood sample they extracted when he was on the ship? That was the whole reason We're back to that major plothole again.![]()
Something else they never explained. If Kal was so powerful from "soaking up the sun's radiation like a battery," how is it that the bowl-cut bunch had the same powers after only being there a few hours? Given he'd had about 30 years to charge, he should've straight-up PWND them all, right?
I would say they probably needed "all of Kal" in order to get all the correct knowledge. That was be my best guess as an explanation for that.
I think Kal did have a slight strength edge in the whole movie, the difference is that he isn't the trained warrior that Zod and his army are, so they were able to "outpower" Kal because they had training and experience behind them.
You can say the same about Superman 2 and how Zod, Ursa and Non were suddenly on Kal's level.
But that's the same explanation for every Supes representation.
It's not like he accumulated so much energy over 30 years, it's that he was more used to the abilities that come with earth's environment, and Zod and his henchmen weren't, that's a huge advantage.
Wrong. Jor-El said his power would be immeasurable with him soaking up the solar radiation. The bowl-cut bunch were wearing their suits the whole time yet still had the same power. And at the end, when Zod strips his suit off, he's already at Kal's level, even with flight.
Not wrong actually, that's the exact same explanation for his powers, even in the comics, and it's not meant to be taken like a bottomless battery, there's only so much energy a battery can hold, so, flawed analogy, he just got used to the environment.
Besides, they were indeed wearing an armor, that doesn't mean it's gonna stop the radiation from going through.
The weaker gravity alone is going to make them as strong as Supes.
You might have a point if it was just strength alone. It wasn't.
Yeah, if the movie was called Man of Watching My Father Get Killed By a Tornado For No Good Reason Whatsoever.![]()
Just got done watching my Blu-ray.
The film is even better the second time.
Shouldn't you be watching Agents of S.H.I.E.T.T.