Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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None of them can top dis guy:

Why did Jor El say that everyone on Krypton was already dead? They clearly were capable of space travel and evacuating the planet. Why did he even care about the Codex when he and his wife discovered that procreating the old fashioned way worked just fine?
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And why didn't Jor El, and Lara leave along with his son? If he was so sure the world was ending why not just pack up and leave? He's a scientist just say he's going on a research trip or something.
Why did Jor El say that everyone on Krypton was already dead? They clearly were capable of space travel and evacuating the planet. Why did he even care about the Codex when he and his wife discovered that procreating the old fashioned way worked just fine?

Plothole! :slap

But to give you an explanation I would say that most of Krypton didn't believe in Jor-El's theory and it's quite possible the Kryptonian Council also had a tight control on the population and what they could and couldn't do. In a lot of comics, cartoons, etc. basically everyone thought Jor-El's research about Krypton being doomed was a joke and didn't believe him.

Plus a mass migration takes A LOT of planning. Krypton's destruction hit like a surprise earthquake or a tsunami. The Kryptonians were so arrogant and confident in their planet's stability that they didn't believe Jor-El. It's quite possible the Krypton Council put a ban on certain space vehicle and hence why Jor-El constructed one in secret.

Yes I know there were a lot of ships flying around during the battle scene but those were under Zod's control.

The Codex is essentially the encyclopedia of Krypton. It contains all knowledge of Krypton's life, culture, technology, etc. Jor-El was infusing it with Kal in order to preserve their entire culture and knowledge with the "Last Son of Krypton" and hence why Zod was after him to "recreate" Krypton because all the knowledge was stored within Kal's DNA/body.
Plothole! :slap

But to give you an explanation I would say that most of Krypton didn't believe in Jor-El's theory and it's quite possible the Kryptonian Council also had a tight control on the population and what they could and couldn't do. In a lot of comics, cartoons, etc. basically everyone thought Jor-El's research about Krypton being doomed was a joke and didn't believe him.

Plus a mass migration takes A LOT of planning. Krypton's destruction hit like a surprise earthquake or a tsunami. The Kryptonians were so arrogant and confident in their planet's stability that they didn't believe Jor-El. It's quite possible the Krypton Council put a ban on certain space vehicle and hence why Jor-El constructed one in secret.

Yes I know there were a lot of ships flying around during the battle scene but those were under Zod's control.

The Codex is essentially the encyclopedia of Krypton. It contains all knowledge of Krypton's life, culture, technology, etc. Jor-El was infusing it with Kal in order to preserve their entire culture and knowledge with the "Last Son of Krypton" and hence why Zod was after him to "recreate" Krypton because all the knowledge was stored within Kal's DNA/body.

So if the info on the Kotex was imprinted on Kal's DNA, why not just take it from Kal's blood sample they extracted when he was on the ship? That was the whole reason We're back to that major plothole again. :lol
Why didn't they banish the prisoners to stay on the planet and they use the interspace dimension space thing to save the species?

That was Jor-El's plan in TAS if I remember correctly, but the council didn't think sending their people to the Phantom Zone (where all the criminals are) was a good idea.

Besides, I don't think that the fact that the destruction of Krypton freed Zod was something they had calculated.
Something else they never explained. If Kal was so powerful from "soaking up the sun's radiation like a battery," how is it that the bowl-cut bunch had the same powers after only being there a few hours? Given he'd had about 30 years to charge, he should've straight-up PWND them all, right?