For me, it's not whether there are references in this show to real historical events or socio-economic issues.
It's whether it's something I wanted to get hammered with, in a fantasy show I watch for entertainment.
No different than the expectations folks had for, say, Ragnarok. A film I went into not expecting what I got; fortunately thought it was hilarious after getting over the shock. A lot of Thor fans felt differently tho.
Also, this show IMO crossed into tasteless a few times, including putting a tortured POW into the position of being an apologist - c'mon already

. Also I'm always uneasy when any storyline seems to be imitative of an original story. Like, Isaiah saves POWs that were to be exterminated, same as Cap. But. Why did the base narrative have to be the same thing as Steve Rogers? Why couldn't it have been, say, a poor community was gonna be flooded from a storm and no-one on a base was gonna help or even bother to let the people know, so Isaiah went anyway? (That thought is actually based the FL Okeechobee hurricane of 1928 that flooded the lake out).
And so, OK, Sam Wilson essentially tells a kid not to use labels, then Isaiah gets Sam all upset, and now Sam's thinking about labels, and now Steve and Bucky are insensitive jerks because they (all the way back to the Howling Commandos) didn't think about it either? WTF. I guess Sam wouldn't bother helping Cap out now. When IMO one of the cool things about TWS was Falcon's intro into the MCU. It's as bad as when Captain Marvel film decided to co-opt the Avengers name

Expectations. Srsly, if I'm watching Lord of the Rings, I don't need Legolas at the Council of Elrond launching into a speech about how great orcs are, and we should be nicer to them, and by the way, he's actually not sure that he's a prince, he thinks he wants to be a princess, so call him Lady Legolas from now on, and Rivendell sux, so he's off to join the Haradrim who have been discriminated against for ages by the snooty Northerners.
From reading posts around the 'net, there are plenty of people who like this current events approach. For me the overload just drains the fun out of it. Was hoping for the supposed buddy cop movie; Bucky stalking a target with a really big rifle; Falcon harassing him for a new car, stuff like that. An overall tone like TWS. Not beautiful close-ups of boat repair.
For me it sux, 'coz these are two of my favorite MCU characters and I was hoping this would be something I'd re-watch like IM1 or Avengers - instead it's like watching a current news reel with some occasional cringe. Lots of good stuff, but not sure how re-watchable this is overall.