Marvel Studios - She Hulk

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They just pulled an interesting marketing gimmick:

Global Icon Vandalizes New 'She-Hulk' Promotional, Shocks Bystanders - Inside the Magic

Is it "bad?" I don't know. You guys know I think almost everything is bad, mostly cause it's lazy and derivative and lacks any spark of originality. In that case,'s "bad." It's lazy. It's so lazy. The whole "hook" of the show is the super-hero gimmick and even that is only used in a "Teen Wolf" way. Everything else is the same "single woman in her 30s trying to make it in the big city" tropes that we've seen over and over and over for decades now.

Her sassy best friend has a date but she has to go face her "crazy" family. Her boss is a jerk that doesn't appreciate her and there's another guy that she works with that's a total weasel. YAWN.

A show like this might have been better served with a full season drop all at once.

Heavy shows like The Handmaid's Tale probably needs a weekly release because it's too much sadness porn all at once for viewers. I mean could you do a marathon of "This Is Us" without jumping off a roof top?

The Devil Wears Prada was a great film. It was basically full of cliches and standard tropes and even managed to hide the typically wooden Hathaway. But if you get talented enough people ( Streep, Tucci, Blunt) and pump enough money into the production values and you might be able to pull it all out.

So I don't mind the lack of originality. I do mind if it's a character that I have no reason to care about in any way. If they have no relatable qualities. If they jar too far from the world building around them.

We laugh because things are funny, but we laugh because they are true.

The comedy only really works if there are quiet truths in the script and on screen. GOTG1 had some pretty funny moments, but they were organic because they were true to the characters involved. And the deeper you got, the more you realized what was most honest was their pain. It's something James Gunn does really well.

I consider The Falcon And The Winter Soldier ( the one series with the absolute most potential possible out of these recent shows) as the most intellectually dishonest, and it's why it turned many fans off. There was nothing organic about it. No one wants to root for victims. No one wants to root for snobs. No one wants to root for characters as proxy for writers looking to lecture the world.

She Hulk can make it if it's intellectually honest with it's audience. The vehicle around it is, IMHO, less critical as long as it resonates at an emotional level with viewers. People rarely remember what you say, but they pay attention to how you make them feel.
Yep this show is just a lot of fun. It really doesn’t need to be any more than that. And agree it feels very very faithful to some of the book runs especially Byrne. I will say I was incredibly impressed by the effects in the first episode and this one does seem a slight stepdown in terms of quality.
It's a fun show. The brand of humour makes it more watchable for me than a lot of other Marvel series and films. The more unique quality of the source comic is an asset.

I may even make it to the end, which would be an achievement! The last Marvel content I managed to stay on board for (without fast forwarding) was the Hawkeye series and the Black Widow movie. The only thing that kept me going with the latter was that Florence Pugh reminded me of Villanelle from Killing Eve. :lol
It's a fun show. The brand of humour makes it more watchable for me than a lot of other Marvel series and films. The more unique quality of the source comic is an asset.

I may even make it to the end, which would be an achievement! The last Marvel content I managed to stay on board for (without fast forwarding) was the Hawkeye series and the Black Widow movie. The only thing that kept me going with the latter was that Florence Pugh reminded me of Villanelle from Killing Eve. :lol
I just want a Yelena movie. And a Yelena show. And Yelena figures.

I’m not obsessed at all.

S01E02 - "Superhuman Law"

Seriously - could this BE any better?!?

Without a doubt - by FAR - this is the best Disney/Marvel TV show created to date. Clever scripts, superb acting, no forced agenda stuff - VERY funny (there were several laugh-out-loud moments in this one) . . . and (basically) just bloody entertaining!

Enjoyed this episode more than E01, but if there's 1 thing that niggles me - the episodes are too damn short (I think this comes in at about 22mins after removing the front/end bits).

I'm hooked - and will absolutely be watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE


I figured I'd give another episode a shot after having mixed feelings(slightly more negative) about the first episode and I'm throwing in the towel now. It just leans too far into a humor style that I'm not a fan of.
The crew DEFINITELY did their research on the comics. Some beats are ripped straight from the book.

And it’s refreshing to just have fun with a comic adaptation. No universe-ending stakes. No overwrought dark and gritty rumination on the fallacy of humankind.

Just a giant green woman trying to balance a career, a social life, and occasional crime-punching.

… and I smirked at the show being retitled “She-Hulk: Attorney for Hire” this episode.
… and I smirked at the show being retitled “She-Hulk: Attorney for Hire” this episode.

There are some good copy stingers in there. On top of the MCU callouts during Jen's job search, I also liked Titania's defense: "an extreme case of low blood sugar." Also, she was fleeing traffic court of all things :D
Finally watched the first couple episodes. I don't think ive ever hated a show more in my entire life. I found the character a dislikable, hypocritical narcissist, the plot aimless, and the dubious values so far up it's own rear end with hypocrisy that it can be accurately described as a Klein bottle.

I'm honestly struggling to see how anyone can come out of this show with anything even resembling a positive experience.

How exactly are we supposed to root for a character that cries victim at every opportunity about not being respected, but yet repeatedly belittles and patronizes others' experiences? How are we supposed to care that she feels like a potential victim when the first thing she does with her powers is attempt to murder some innocent people? Yeah, keep whining about living in a world that forces you to control your emotions to a guy who witnessed his dad beat his mother to death, attempted suicide, and witnessed a genocide.
Finally watched the first couple episodes. I don't think ive ever hated a show more in my entire life. I found the character a dislikable, hypocritical narcissist, the plot aimless, and the dubious values so far up it's own rear end with hypocrisy that it can be accurately described as a Klein bottle.

I'm honestly struggling to see how anyone can come out of this show with anything even resembling a positive experience.

How exactly are we supposed to root for a character that cries victim at every opportunity about not being respected, but yet repeatedly belittles and patronizes others' experiences? How are we supposed to care that she feels like a potential victim when the first thing she does with her powers is attempt to murder some innocent people? Yeah, keep whining about living in a world that forces you to control your emotions to a guy who witnessed his dad beat his mother to death, attempted suicide, and witnessed a genocide.
I mean, you just described 80% of Tony Stark, and watching him evolve from that was part of the hero journey. Jen is only in the starting phases. She’s not going to be the same person by episode 9.
I mean, you just described 80% of Tony Stark, and watching him evolve from that was part of the hero journey. Jen is only in the starting phases. She’s not going to be the same person by episode 9.
Yeah, and we weren't supposed to like Tony for it for it; and rooted for him specifically because he realized his massive flaws and developed beyond them. The horrible traits that Jennifer processed aren't presented in a way in which they are meant to be perceived as negative.

If she was meant to develop beyond them like Tony, there were plenty of opportunities where they could have written Bruce to call her out on her BS, (the irony of complaining about being lectured on something she's an expert in while she lectures him about how much better she is at being the Hulk, her stating she has perfect control on her anger after she almost murders 3 guys at a bar), a moment of genuine humility, or where he could have brought up the numerous traumas in his life that have shaped him. She could have even struggled with her powers, but instead is presented as Hulk's immediate equal if not superior at using these powers. But no. These weren't presented as flaws because the writers don't see them as one, and therefore will never develop her past them.