That's why Marvel felt they were short handed and taken advantage of. Company on the verge of going under and other companies swooped in and made one sided deals.that why i laugh at people saying Fox has every right to keep the XMen and F4 movies away from Marvel, in a sense they do but its not morally good as those supporters make it out to be.
Most seem to want him as an adult. I wouldn't mind seeing him a a high school science teacher or working at a lab
Morals have nothing to do with it and even if they did why would it be immoral to keep something you paid for?
Marvel agreed to said deals and signed, of free will. They could've chosen to decline and sell elsewhere but they didn't, they weren't coerced in the slightest. That just paint the studios as essentially thieves.
Let's not forget if not for Sony, Fox and others starting the Marvel movie trend there wouldn't likely be an MCU today.
That's just to give him producer credit, exec producers for the most part have no creative input. It's more of a goodwill for having been a producer on the previous Spider-Man films, I wouldn't worry about him getting involved.
Although Arad was open to the idea of creating a crossover, his guidelines for such a film are likely to cause friction:
“I think there are some stories that will fit beautifully into a cross. Spider-Man would be incredible mixed up with those other universes. But if we want to do that, the crossovers, it has to be a story that is absolutely centered on Spider-Man. We cannot be second banana to anything out there. Because this is the king. This is the one that influenced young people from birth.
“I’m not preaching, but Spider-Man, Peter Parker, who is in all of us, is too important to go in and use it as a sidepiece for corporate purposes. The studio may disagree with me, some fans may disagree with me. I don’t care.”
Who's the other two women in that pic? I'm guessing one is Maria Hill and you can see Widow, who's the other? Doesn't look like Pepper.
I get that Marvel wants to produce spiderman movies , but trying to fit him in with the rest of the avengers line up seems forced.
And what type of stories can we expect to see rehash of the old doc oc, green goblin never had a chance to shine or how about venom.
I am trying to think of stories from the comics they can drawn on, but nothing comes to mind that they have not already done and least nothing significant besides a full on sinister six.
MCU characters might show up in the solo Spiderman films, so there's a lot of stories they can do if that's the case.
You would be surprised at how much it appeals to Hispanics. I'm Mexican-American and my family here and back in Mexico are obsessed with superheroes.Would you say that culturally speaking that superheroes have comparable appeal to Hispanics as they do Caucasians? I'm just curious, that's all.