Spoil it! Spoil it all!!!
Honestly, what could spoil it? Is there some amazing revelation? Some M.Night plot twist? They all die in the end? Really?
Direct your hate messages to Wor!
Well simply the big reveal is that they were synthetics and there is a celestial being born out of Earth cause of Earth's mass population. SO....Thanos really did save Earth in the first place? WTF? Then a celestial who makes synthetics makes them all types of different genders, different powers and one that cannot hear? They all don't have supervision, flight and super strength? Then another synthetic (Thena) goes psycho and loses her memory? But you can create galaxies and not fix that? The info dump was really a dump for me. Deviants were made first, to kill natural planet predators for life to evolve. But the deviants evolved and killed everything. I would make all Ikaris' that collectively easily take down deviants, which they were made for. Could only imagine that there are different scenarios which all their powers could adjust to the situation. Still..this whole movie is just shoe-horned for diversity sake.
The Boys' Homelander is all you could see with Ikaris. His turn and reveal as a bad guy was very obvious. He killed Ajax cause she wanted to prevent the emergence of the Earth celestial. So what does he do? HE GETS EVERYONE BACK TOGETHER THEN SAYS IT WAS A BAD IDEA. WHAT?!
They were ordered not to interfere with humanity, BUT THEY DID! Hence why they are Greek gods. They all had a temple until Phastos helped create weapons that kill people and then split. Phastos then lead humanity to the atom bomb. He then went gay and into seculsion to Chicago cause there is no violence there. Then Druid controls a cult. Kingo was absolutely worthless. He is the token comedian and accomplishes nothing except to help their box office in India.
Then the ending - wtf? Kingo says peace out before the end battle. Ikaris flys into the sun and kills himself? Arishem comes to Earth and tells Sersi/Phastos? Couldn't see/Kingo and essentially says, "WTF is this? I made you and you pull this ****?" And takes them for "judgement". Thena/Makkari/Druid go on their space ship and find a horrible CGI'd Pip and Eros, Thanos brother. Uh..ok? The ending now raises more questions than the entire movie solved.
Dane Whitman was in this just to tease to Blade. Cool to know that Black Knight and Blade are going to team up, but really him being involved with Sersi didn't play as well as I thought it would against Ikaris, who left her a while back. He made 2 very small appearances after the initial 15 minutes. You have a lot more going on than to shoehorn him in. Honestly, it played like an old school end credits scene for the next movie with no context to it lol.
I've read reddit posts and many of them say it is "Good, but..." and list a bunch of reasons why the movie doesn't make sense. Seen some mention it looked like a struggle between a Marvel movie and a Chloe Zhao movie. I think it just lacked logic for me.