So, in other words, you're telling us that it's "silly" to enjoy a political movie without taking the political aspects into consideration? I'll have you know I enjoyed the Hell out of the movie and thought it was a really good CBM without even paying attention to anything political. I'm sure there's some big stuff that I missed, but I very rarely to never engage in politics for good reason.
you can do whatever the hell you freaking want.
just dont get your panties in a bunch and start getting angry at people for doing what the director intended. You can dress like an actual panther and growl at your neighbors if you want lol. who gives a crap

The point is, you guys are getting so ANGRY at what the director hoped to do... this movie was meant to open a conversation. even if it was a controversial one.
but to come here all High and Mighty and declare that politics should stay out of the conversation of such a political movie is rather naive and counterproductive. (Like if that makes you A Better person or something)
You can ALSO talk among yourselves about the movie if you want, but getting angry at the people discussing the politics means you should get angry at the director too. and since you loved the movie so much it just becomes a huge cluster----
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