As long as its better then Dr. Strange, AOU, IM3 and Thor 3.
This movie puts all four of those films to shame.
As long as its better then Dr. Strange, AOU, IM3 and Thor 3.
This movie puts all four of those films to shame.
And Thor ragnorak which was complete and utter ass. Rotten tomatoes was smoking some hard crack when they rated that movie.
This tweet reminded me of Back when I worked in group homes many of my friends and co workers were Black.. I asked them one day if it was weird to watch TV and movies and have mostly white people being the ones the films are about.. They said that they actually preferred white movies because on a technical and story level they were better films.. They stated that movies made by black people tried too hard to be be "black" That instead of focusing on a good story they tried too hard to focus on the fact that it was a black cast in a black film... It was not what I was asking really but found that very interesting. Sounds like BP focuses on story... That is a good thing. Black or white
By the way.. Reading a lot of "Wakanda Forever" People are aware that Wakanda is not a real place.. Are we going to have to deal with post BP depression like we did with AVATAR when people had to deal with the fact that it was just a movie
Well said Rulk.. I knew there was a reason I liked you![]()
I wouldn't quite go that far as I'd honestly give that film more of a pass if you took out 50% of the jokes and I loved the visuals, but the final execution was definitely...
Bottom line is that no [White] person should feel threatened by the points Coogler raises. I'm White and I loved this movie. The last thing I feel is threatened and offended by it's anti-Colonialist subject matter.
This is a great and meaningful movie.
Maybe but I just don’t like Thor or the mcu version of him. He doesn’t interest me even when he’s funny or if hulk is in the movie. Guess that’s me being bias.
The best Thor movies were the Whedon Avengers movies. Whedon understood Thor best and actually knew what to do with him. Whedon should have directed all the Thor movies.
Maybe but I just don’t like Thor or the mcu version of him. He doesn’t interest me even when he’s funny or if hulk is in the movie. Guess that’s me being bias.
Jye needs to come back.
I wanna know what he thinks of this
Jye needs to come back.
I wanna know what he thinks of this
My guess, he'll hate the action scenes, since they're not as good as the Russo Bro's movies.
My guess, he'll hate the action scenes, since they're not as good as the Russo Bro's movies.