I was watching Thor 3 last night and it just does not work for me.
I don't find most of the jokes funny. It suffers from everyone playing the comic relief. Everybody has jokes. It ruined Hela IMO. She had the chance to be a top Marvel villain. Now she was just another character in the film spewing jokes that IMO were not very funny. But like I said it was not just her... Everyone was a comic relief. In that way it reminded me of ID4 and 98 Godzilla. Everybody has the jokes.
I also hated much of the slapstick humor. I remember two of the biggest laughs in the theater were Thor getting hit in the head by the metal ball that bounce back and hit him and Banner not changing into the hulk when he umps from the ship and goes splat on the bridge.. And watching it again I know exactly why. I don't hate slapstick but I hate CGI slapstick. Peter Seller's Pink Panther films or the Three Stooges were funny because the slapstick was done by real actors. When CGI is used it just does not strike me as humorous.
The look of the film drives me nuts also.. Not that it looks like a Kirby panel of art but it just looks like cheap fake sets. It takes me out of the film a bit.
Yes the Hulk was technically winning in the arena until Thor tapped his powers.. I get more frustrated by his lack of use period.. Especially at the end of the film.. And again, like every other character in the film, he is just played for jokes.
Just not a fan at all of that film.