W... T... F... 

1. 1976: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a troubled young girl and dons his costume to rescue her from her captors, using his skills at violence to do so.
2. 2011: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a troubled woman and dons his costume to protect her and her child, using his skills at violence to do so.
3. 2018: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a woman and dons his costume to protect her and others, using his skills at violence to do so.
1. 1976: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a troubled young girl and dons his costume to rescue her from her captors, using his skills at violence to do so.
2. 2011: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a troubled woman and dons his costume to protect her and her child, using his skills at violence to do so.
3. 2018: A sociopath seeking peace and wellness who lives removed and under the radar meets a woman and dons his costume to protect her and others, using his skills at violence to do so.
So Venom is a repeat of other movies? Then I guess it’s not so off topic in the BP thread.
So Venom is a repeat of other movies? Then I guess it’s not so off topic in the BP thread.
Venom looks to be the first superhero movie where the protagonist isn't a "hero" - but rather a sociopath who's forced into heroism. Again, challenging what's normally expected from a CBM.
That's a myopic way of looking at it.
The CBM genre can only continue to evolve with films like Deadpool and Logan. Films that break the mold of what a CBM is expected to be. Deadpool deconstructed the genre as an Action/Comedy. Logan did it as a Neo-Western.
Venom looks to be the first superhero movie where the protagonist isn't a hero - but rather a sociopath who's forced into heroism. Again, challenging what's normally expected from a CBM.
Its not repetition, but rather new territory in its exploration of a different type of hero.
SNIKT I agree that it's fun to see cbm's following the structure of other genres however:
I don't see how that makes him any different than The Punisher, Logan in X1, Jessica Jones, Keaton Batman, etc.
I don't see how that makes him any different than The Punisher
I don't see how that makes him any different than Logan in X1
I don't see how that makes him any different than The Punisher
I don't see how that makes him any different than Keaton Batman
How do you know this Eddie Brock is a psycho?
1. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
2. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
3. Have you ever read the two Venom comics Fleischer adapted for the film?
4. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
Yea but I know you haven’t.
Venom wants to kill Spider-Man. That what he lives for.
Its like you saw the movie already...
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1. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
2. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
3. Have you ever read the two Venom comics Fleischer adapted for the film?
4. Have you ever read a Venom comic?
Hilarious. I own his entire ASM run in both back issues and HC collected. I also own all of his solo comics.
Only for a while. Their feud ended with a truce. So no, he doesn't "live" for that.
Afterwards, Brock [like in the film] went home to San Fran to try and live a life of quiet seclusion and peace where the monster could be kept dormant. Until the Life corporation [like in the film] offered him a chance to rid himself of his "demon". In the end, he realizes said demon is more friend than foe and they reunite to destroy the horror the Life corporation unleashed.