Oh here we go....
Hey, don't shoot the messenger... Hudlin went out of his way to prove that yes, true believers, that is THE Doctor Doom. What's funnier is that he has T'Challa look down on Latverians and call them Keebler Elves a few pages earlier:
Yeah, T'Challa, the reason you don't see many black people in Eastern Europe is because they're all racist scumbags! Not because cthese ountries are small, poor and have nothing to offer, nah, they're just petty ****s! I dread to think the hardships you, the Prince of the Most Advanced Nation on Earth [SUP]TM[/SUP], suffered in your youth...
Seriously though, **** Hudlin. The guy destroyed the BP mythos, but because it was "Power Fantasy: Country Edition", it became the new canon. For one, Wakndans literally have the cure for cancer, every cancer, but they're not giving it to the rest of the world because... "those filthy foreigners will weaponize it". So, uh, yeah, they could save thousands of people every day, but... they won't... because of... racist reasons... Great start there Hudlin...
Then we have the Storm thing. Boy oh boy what a cluster****. Hudlin retcons a whole "secret history", where apparently T'Challa, when he was 18 or so, ****ed the 13 YO Ororro. And they were super in love and all that crap. And a few issues later they get married. Uh, great... progression. I mean, Pete and MJ? Supes and Lois? Even Batman and Talia? They ain't got **** on the Storm/BP relationship. A retconned creepy past and an out of the blue marriage are the epitome of great relationships... ****ing Doom had a better relationship with Storm by then.
Then, T'Challa travelled to New York to team-up with Luke Cage, Falcon and Blade. Why? Who the **** cares? They're all black, what more do you need? Hell, it doesn't even matter that Blade is a Latverian-Brit... It's as bad as the "secret funeral of Rhodey" bit in FalCap. Did I mention that the Vatican sent an evil Black Knight, who T'Challa punked, claimed the Ebony Blade, and then Dane had to kneel and request it? Or how he humiliated the US & Stark?
You know what Hudlin's problem was? He was just a self-inserting fanboy who created a power-fantasy and then indulged in it. BP was the smartest guy. The most bad-ass guy. He had the cure for cancer and he wouldn't give it because he was so bad-ass. He was ****ing one of the hottest women in the MU, and then married her. He punked Doom and called them Europeans on their racism. He teamed-up with the Brothers. He told Stark to eat his ****. His marriage ceremony was full of everyone worth inviting. The run was crap because there was no logic to it. Just excuses to make him look, supposedly, cool.
Take Priest though. When it came to teaming him up with someone, who did he choose? Moon Knight, because he too is the Avatar of an Egyptian God, and Doctor Voodoo, since he's Haitian and specializes in Necromancy. When he needed to flesh out Wakanda, he did so by portraying it with both flaws and strengths. Its citizens and the supporting cast where actual characters with different and complete personalities. When he had T'Challa interact with other Kings, he made sure to portray them as having a mutual respect for everyone, Doom included.
What pisses me off is because we live in the age of "just give me power fantasy and call it a day", Hudlin's crap version is the one that's being used as the template. When did that become the norm? I always liked the stories where the characters were human,had faults and were failing. I always hated Power-Wanking.
Butt hurt white boi
Disney-Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” — which brings together the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and almost every other major Marvel hero — is the No. 1 most-anticipated movie for 2018, according to IMDb’s analysis of page views of movies with planned U.S. releases next year.
In second place is Marvel’s “Black Panther,” starring Chadwick Boseman, followed by 20th Century Fox’s “Deadpool 2” with Ryan Reynolds reprising the antihero role. The Amazon-owned site calculated the rankings, released Tuesday, as determined by the actual page views of IMDb’s 250 million-plus monthly unique visitors worldwide.
According to IMDb, the 10 most-anticipated movies set for 2018 currently are:
1. “Avengers: Infinity War” (May 4, 2018)
2. “Black Panther” (Feb. 16, 2018)
3. “Deadpool 2” (June 1, 2018)
4. “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (June 22, 2018)
5. “Tomb Raider” (March 16, 2018)
6. “Pacific Rim Uprising” ( March 23, 2018)
7. “The Predator” (Aug. 3, 2018)
8. “Ocean’s Eight” (June 8, 2018)
9. “Mission: Impossible 6” (July 27, 2018)
10. “Solo: A Star Wars Story” (May 25, 2018)
With less than two months to go before the Ryan Coogler-directed film hits theaters, Empire has unveiled their special Black Panther subscriber cover, which they will be sending out next week (the regular issue hits newsstands December 28). While the publication does release special covers in light of an upcoming blockbuster, this one is unique in that it’s the first time such a cover was created by a film’s production designer. Hannah Beachler, the woman behind the stunning backdrops in the film, brings Black Panther‘s aesthetic to the forefront of the magazine’s latest issue.
That's a real cover? Looks like a Sega Saturn game cover from the 90's.
did Fox have rights to his woman?
Holy ****. Fire the man who made this
Great concept horrible execution.
FOX owned the X-Men and Storm is included
I think they tried a poor man's Mondo print![]()
"Black Panther marks a number of firsts for the MCU — not least that it’s the first movie in the franchise to be made by a predominantly black cast and crew," Empire writes. "Slightly lower down the list in terms of industry-wide importance (but still exciting for us), is it’s the first time a film’s production designer — in this case Hannah Beachler — has designed the Empire subscriber cover. Which we’re pleased to reveal to you here and now."
The issue comes available on December 28, featuring cast and crew interviews for the upcoming Marvel Studios flick. Beachler, however, has already opened up about the film.
"I started by researching the different comics, and that’s where I started to understand the character and all the iterations he’s gone through," Beachler said. "Ryan [Coogler] sent me all these images he took when he was writing in South Africa. See how he saw the country through his eyes helped me understand the vision he had for the film."
If Black Panther does wind up opening near this projection, it will be a clear win for Marvel Studios. There is a growing need for more diverse movies overall, but also specifically in the superhero realm. Black Panther is looking to answer that call and do so with the best ensemble possible. Thanks to the talent assembled and the quality of the marketing, it won’t be surprising if Black Panther blows past a $90M opening.
Wow, pitiless crowd here.
I kinda like it because it's striking IMO, and kinda don't IMO too crowded.![]()