Broke and happy

When Avatar 2 and 3 fail, watch Cameron announce he's doing T3... a genuine T3.
I knew AVATAR was not that good when I saw it in the theaters.
I also knew that people would come around and see it for what it was.
Black Panther, while not as bad as Avatar will also run the same kind of course. I do think it will still have its fans. They just will realize its not what they thought it was.
I expect the same thing to happen to Khev and Jye with The Last Jedi any day now.
My favorite thing about BP is actually related to TLJ!
Ok so everyone is now aware just how massive massive massive massive a success BP is, right.
Ok good.
BP still hasn’t passed TLJ global box office yet and it probably won’t at this point.
Remember when TLJ box office was being used to showcase just how much of a massive massive massive massive failure it was lol
That's because TLJ is being compared to TFA which it should be.![]()
My favorite thing about BP is actually related to TLJ!
Ok so everyone is now aware just how massive massive massive massive a success BP is, right.
Ok good.
BP still hasn’t passed TLJ global box office yet and it probably won’t at this point.
Remember when TLJ box office was being used to showcase just how much of a massive massive massive massive failure it was lol
I expect the same thing to happen to Khev and Jye with The Last Jedi any day now.
Remember when TLJ box office was being used to showcase just how much of a massive massive massive massive failure it was lol
Jye no good.
You can’t compare BP to freaking SW!
People go to see SW because it’s freaking SW.
He’s a C list ok maybe B list superhero in a movie with an all black cast.
SW is a cultural world wide phenomenon.
So nope, don’t count lol
If you compare every movie that makes 1.3 billion to TFA they will all look like failures when the focus should really be on the fact that it made 1.3 billion which 99.9% of films will never come close to achieving that.
Hell TFA then should be considered a massive failure when compared to Avatar, a SW movie 1 billion less than Avatar.
Black Panther > Avaturd
Avatar 2 will bomb as far a Cameron expectations in the fact it will make $500 million or so domestic- if that. Will make good money but unless he has something really special up his sleeve i just don't see the mass public appeal in another one. 3D in cinemas has run it's course
He waited too long...
But sir!... the possibility Khev and Jye's opinion changing is six hundred million to one!
Perfect example of a couple of bad films making bank![]()
Avatar's one of my favorite movies. Glad it made Bank![]()
Avatar's one of my favorite movies. Glad it made Bank![]()
Sorry to dump all over one of your favs..
obviously its not one of mine![]()
Disney acquisitions as per deathly events.
Star Wars - a sinking ship people thought was invincible...
MCU - a blimp full of hydrogen, looks kool but inevitable disaster.
That may be true but at this point it doesn't matter, if both franchises collapsed today I think Disney already made good profit anyway.
One should never use Box office numbers to prove if a film is great or not.. It was the part of TLJ thread that drove me nuts.
Too many bad films make bank and too many great films never make a dime..
My opinion is all that should matter to you guys.![]()
But sir!... the possibility Khev and Jye's opinion changing is six hundred million to one!
Never tell me the odds.