Super Freak
this piece looks better displayed w the ex helmet head than the regular...Thats how ive been displaying it and it looks awesome to me...the reg head isnt bad, but the helmet head looks pimp imo, esp in person...
Wish the helmet wasnt the exclusive, I think sideshow lost alot of sales on this one by making that option exclusive. I am not buying this if I cant get it as an ex. And I cant because I dont have a credit card. FU sideshow.
Wish the helmet wasnt the exclusive, I think sideshow lost alot of sales on this one by making that option exclusive. I am not buying this if I cant get it as an ex. And I cant because I dont have a credit card. FU sideshow.
You had better come to terms with the fact that without a credit card you can't buy in the US.
(for all ye non-EU members here, your defenition of a creditcard is quite different from the ones in Europe)
Wish the helmet wasnt the exclusive, I think sideshow lost alot of sales on this one by making that option exclusive. I am not buying this if I cant get it as an ex. And I cant because I dont have a credit card. FU sideshow.
I don't have a credit card and buy no problem?
I just use my normal bank card to buy
why can't you get a credit card? Are you younger then 18? It would be the only reasonable explanation...
If you're older, then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to get one. Even options like Neteller (which is a prepaid card, aka you put money on it and SSC removes it) are definitely in the range of possibilities.
Actually, we needed to get a Neteller card simply because SSC isn't using safe enough transactions or something like that and thus they couldn't charge our CC anymore...
I know this statue has a been getting mix opinions here. I can get him for 265 shipped, would you guys recommend getting it at that price?
I know this statue has a been getting mix opinions here. I can get him for 265 shipped, would you guys recommend getting it at that price?
I know this statue has a been getting mix opinions here. I can get him for 265 shipped, would you guys recommend getting it at that price?