Masters of the Universe Classics

Collector Freaks Forum

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One could easily get wrong impression of folks here too. Load and weird was my initial impression but then I got to know some of you.
If you were at the Matty panel at SDCC, you would've seen how little folks care about wanting 200x stylings. There's a handfull of load voices championing 200x over on the .org but that what it is ...a handful.

I hope this is true. I recall seeing that one of the questions asked during the Q&A part of the panel was if there would ever be a 200X/MYP styled He-Man head and ToyGuru was quite keen to make the point clear that that style was "retired."

here's a great pic of some of us and two of the Four Horsemen. Toy Guru sadly got held up but we had a good laugh. :)
And the con in general was great as you can see by my silly smile!

Looks like you guys had a blast dude!!! Are all of you guys from 'Roast Gooble Dinner' in this shot? I take it the big fella at the back is Cornboy?
Eamon, I know some on the .org may be cool - but things like that protected thread nonsense and the way some folks over there act like Mattel is making this line just for them - it makes the majority seem like they are spoiled, selfish and childish. Mattel is putting requested things in the weapons packs because they will sell. How many wanted Adora with the silver two tone sword. How many would get a second to match with She-Ra. Yea - I just got sucked into buying two. To me the .org just seems like the inmates run the asylum, and yes I am registered there but I mostly lurk because unless you are active there super frequently you tend to be either ignored or treated like you are second rate.
Eamon, I know some on the .org may be cool - but things like that protected thread nonsense and the way some folks over there act like Mattel is making this line just for them - it makes the majority seem like they are spoiled, selfish and childish. Mattel is putting requested things in the weapons packs because they will sell. How many wanted Adora with the silver two tone sword. How many would get a second to match with She-Ra. Yea - I just got sucked into buying two. To me the .org just seems like the inmates run the asylum, and yes I am registered there but I mostly lurk because unless you are active there super frequently you tend to be either ignored or treated like you are second rate.


All lot of the fans on the .org are great fans and real MOTU followers....... but the "others" give it a bad name and this "PROTECTED" thread is a good example why.
Oh noes...
the .org discussion again!!! :panic:!!!

I've been a member there for quite some time...
lots of things I don't like, specially how they run some stuff in the forum...
BUT, it's the best source of information for all things MOTU,
has an amazing database and a lot of very respected artists and fans in the community.
Val and Emiliano, have done a lot to keep the MOTU fire alive...
even during the dark times... so credit where it's due!

I visit the forum mostly for news, and I don't post that much...
The orgers that I've gotten the chance to meet, are cool and mostly try to help each other.

Lots of spoiled people post there... just like here... have you seen all the whining over the DX03 and DX04, and @ the Alien/Pred section?

What I mean is, the site in itself, and a lot of their members have gone through great lengths to keep MOTU relevant, so let's keep that in mind.

As for the whiners and crazies... hey... stop by our own DC area and read comments by the TDK fanboys.... or check the HT Alien Chap thread... there's crazy people everywhere...

Just saying!!
I'll give credit to the .org and the Vals and Eamons that kept MOTU alive all day long(I've been a member there for 2 years, and been following MOTU through the .org for 4), they deserve it and more. I was just saying that sometimes the small number of unhappy fans who voice their unhappy opinions (which is fine) go too far and it ruins the "mood" there. That's all.:dunno

That being said I really love EVERY figure released at SDCC, I wasn't going to get a sub but after last friday I was in.:panic::panic::panic:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've been a member of .org for just about 9 years (He-Lurker), and it's definitely had it's ups and downs. Sure, a few spoiled apples ruin the barrel, but the majority of people there are cool. It's just a shame it comes across the way it does.

The people there are very passionate, almost to a fault... but I don't think it's any different than this forum, or even this thread. It's just amplified by 100 since it's a He-Man specific forum. If this thread was turned into an entire forum with thousands of members posting, I doubt it'd be any different.

With all that said, I don't post much there anymore. Too much negativity for me :slap:lol
The folks at the Org complaining about King Hiss,are just out right retarded calling Hiss a failure...the NEW version is almost identical to the vintage figure, just upgraded to today's sculpting standards.
I wouldnt want Hiss any other way...I just dont get the complaint

Oh and my comment is 'PROTECTED'
I'd like to cast a spell of who gives a ____, besides Bow everything looks great coming down the pipe. Also I'd like to follow up with a protection spell of ____ you twats who don't like-a-da MOTUC. :wink1:
I dunno. Bow looks pretty good. And they are even skirting the safety laws to give us an awesome figure. I haven't seen anything I really hate from the line yet. The Shadow Beast is a bit meh but even still it looks like 3 of them could provide some fun dios.
What does "PROTECTED" even mean???

...seriously. What does it mean?

Double rainbow all the way?
apparently it means you can't disagree with the OP or your post gets deleted. so basically it is a petition for Mattel to change King Hssss, but since nobody can disagree, it is one sided. people like me and Teemu and others who think King Hsss is perfect the way it is, don't get a say in the matter.