I betcha one of the "additional" Sku's in 2014 will be the Castle Grayskull extra accessory pack (Dungeon monster grate etc)
I may be mistaken, but didn't Toyguru state that fans of Filmation would like the item? If that is the case I'm not sure it would be an accessory pack. I will be buying an extra two sets of the Horde Troopers so 6 all together. Also where can you get Blu Tak?
This for me!!
Will these be availible to non sub holders?
All signs point to yes but Matty could suddenly decide they won't be. It's unlikely but who knows.
Now I wish Matty would make Skeletors throne. How sick would it look having Skeletor displayed on his throne with two of these guys guarding him? Similar to a Emperor Palpatine/Royal Guard scene! Come on Matty, give us the throne!
From what we already know that is coming out officially,what are your top 10 personal "must have" figures to be totally satisfied with MOTU Classics calling it an end?
Mine are:
Rio Blast
Lizard Man
Tung Lashor
Lord Prahvus
Evil Seed
General Sundar
honorable mention- Mermista (just because she is very different)