I think the Eternian guards are available on Matty
Well, assuming we get an army builder 2-pack every year, what will next years be?
Stratos chick, Palca guard chick, and how about a Galactic enforcer chick?
no army builder in 2014...at least not in the sub
Stratos chick- her name is Delora/Hawke
Unless they do Delora, the Filmation version
I don't see it happening...
they'll definitely do the Filmation version before any 200x
I'll bet she'll be in the next Filmation Sub
Speaking of winged characters...
And even a 200x Sorceress
Her looks aren't all that different... might see a hybrid of the two.
fuzzy trunks from BG teela, new upper torso. new boots.
They can re-purpose Frosta's legs, an either Shokoti's or Sorceress torso.
I'd rather have it with Adora's or Marlena trunks, maybe even Sorceress since it has feathers?
I just had King Hiss and there is one annoying thing that happened. I don't know if this is common problem or not; His right had is really tight and the the snake staff doesn't just "slide" in to his hand. I tried to be carefull, but when I managed to attach the staff I realised that parts of that green paint had scracthed off. This is really annoying since the underlying plastic is redNot to mention that the paint started to peel of because of the scratch
I managed to fix it with green paint, but I just could find exactly same tint of green. What the f is that green color nayways. Have painted like almost 18 miniaturefiures and such, but it was just pain in the *** to mix a color that would be even close to the original. At least now it is fixed and it doesn't show the red color through. I have also tilted the staff so that it won't catch your eye unless you know where to look for it.
Rattlor also has painted staff, but luckily his hands seems less closed and tight. I just don't think they should paint those handles and staffs. Specially if they are tight to fit into the hands.