Masters of the Universe Classics

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I was really surprised to see Rio Blast revealed for the 2014 line. It seemed that during the sub drive Scott was saying that they split the remaining factions to balance 2014 and 2015. Since we saw Extendar already, I was expecting them to hold Rio Blast until 2015. Just like we should expect one of Tung Lashor/Squeeze this year and the other one next year. And since we got Two Bad this year it's very likely that Ninjor will be part of the 2015 line. Regardless, I am very excited that Extendar and Rio Blast are both coming soon. Looking back those are two of my favorite figures that I never had as a kid. I just hope the Mattel design team can faithfully bring the prototype through production without making his armor or flip down parts too bulky or awkward looking.

On a related note, is anyone else surprised by how much new tooling Mattel has come up with for 2014 so far? Looking back at 2009/10, it's like night and day comparing all the new parts we're seeing now towards the end of the line. I'm not complaining, it's just an observation.

Yeah Rio Blast is BIG for me too.Now just give me Tung Lashor and I'll truely be cherry picking in '15....

I would definitely count on the following in '15..Gwildor,Saurod,Ninjor,Blast Attak,Multi-bot,Squeeze or Tung....not sure it's worth subbing for these
Rio Blast is one of my all time favourites. I just hope they get the vizor part right.
If you guys can remember the very cool illustration on teh front of the vintage card back, the vizor/glasses sat on his nose like a pair of shades and were not so on the toy which always bugged me.
Rio Blast is one of my all time favourites. I just hope they get the vizor part right.
If you guys can remember the very cool illustration on teh front of the vintage card back, the vizor/glasses sat on his nose like a pair of shades and were not so on the toy which always bugged me.

Oh those are nice pics! Thanks for sharing.

Though it does look like the shades are not flush to the face.

Still look at all them kick *** details!!
Not one of my favs back in the day, but dayum... That is one sweet looking figure!
There's some ego maniac around here claiming he did. Bit of a joke if u ask me.

good idea Eamon :)

my only issue with these is that I would want characters done like Fisto,Clawful,Spikor etc....would I be happy with just the 8-back? maybe
I'd really love to see more than just the 8 back produced. For me, Zodac is very boring. I'd much rather have a figure like Trap Jaw or Man-E-Faces.
Your guesses are as good as mine. I think He-Man, Skeletor, Man-at-arms, Merman, Beastman, Ram Man are the most likely candidates. After that, I can see Man-e-faces and Trap Jaw but Fisto might be pushing it. Least that is what I think.

I will take any of them! :)

But I do worry about the quality of the card back artwork and graphics. Mattel didn't hold on to hardly any of that artwork sadly. My guess is that they will get someone to redraw the exploding rocks.
Your guesses are as good as mine. I think He-Man, Skeletor, Man-at-arms, Merman, Beastman, Ram Man are the most likely candidates. After that, I can see Man-e-faces and Trap Jaw but Fisto might be pushing it. Least that is what I think.

I will take any of them! :)

But I do worry about the quality of the card back artwork and graphics. Mattel didn't hold on to hardly any of that artwork sadly. My guess is that they will get someone to redraw the exploding rocks.

Yeah, they'd better get that right.

If not, it might look okay to your average dude who grew up in the '80s, even completely accurate, but not if you're even a little familiar with the original art. I remember thinking exactly this when I saw much of the GI Joe 25th Anniversary card art...
Your guesses are as good as mine. I think He-Man, Skeletor, Man-at-arms, Merman, Beastman, Ram Man are the most likely candidates. After that, I can see Man-e-faces and Trap Jaw but Fisto might be pushing it. Least that is what I think.

I will take any of them! :)

But I do worry about the quality of the card back artwork and graphics. Mattel didn't hold on to hardly any of that artwork sadly. My guess is that they will get someone to redraw the exploding rocks.

But doesn't Mattel have this and other art from their work on the Commemorative line?
Mattel could always just scan the vintage cards. They're not that hard to get a hold of. I don't see why they would waste their time redrawing anything.
Scanning the original cards will not work as it will look like pooh for two reasons. Scanning anything already printed rarely looks as good as it needs to be and good luck getting card back cleanly off the bubble without any marks.

I have the commemoratives 10 pack put away now for years but I think I remember that the minicomics were scanned. I cannot remember the cards. Plus if you look at the MOTUC bios the vintage images there are scanned too.

Errol McCarty who drew most of the card backs kept all the originals (wise move considering) but perhaps Mattel still have some tranparencies from the 80's but look at MOTUC bios it doesn't look like it.