Masters of the Universe Classics

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Was that the guy in... I think it was New Hampshire? Or Maine, maybe?

I was seriously thinking about getting one of those... Looks pretty darn terrific; I daresay, better than Mattel's? :)
Are they still available to buy? I vaguely remember someone on here saying something about the mold he uses breaking. If it was still available I would be really tempted as the castle facade is all I really want and that does look amazing!
…and this would be why having early reviews is nice and makes me wonder if this is why they didn't send it out. It's not a deal breaker to me but it does kinda irk me. Not that they had to alter the hips but that no effort was put into making it look good. They just added plastic to it and it's not even on both sides to boot.

At least it's not too noticeable when you have more than one set of legs on. I don't see myself displaying him with only one set of legs anyway.

In-Hand-Pic from ItsAllTrue's review:

Oh jesus, that Modulock does erk me actually! :(

Regarding the Castles, It's Mat O'Toole's, living in New Orleans and I think he is still selling them on his facebook page: Castle of Power.
I guess it'll be less noticeable if he's all tricked out with multiple legs and what not, which is how most people will display him... To be honest it doesn't really bother me as a guy that weird really doesn't need to have human proportions. I don't recall his toon appearances either, not sure what he looked like there...
Yeah now that I have him in hand it is less noticeable when he has more than one set of legs… but it's uglier in hand than in photos if you just look at the pelvis. It's not so much the proportions that are off as it's that the added parts have no sculpted detail and aren't the same size on both sides so the pelvis is uneven in width.
That waist piece is a mega fail! :horror I'll be looking for someway to dremel it back into something that resembes the proto.
That waist piece is a mega fail! :horror I'll be looking for someway to dremel it back into something that resembes the proto.

Unfortunately I don't think that's an option since the reason they did it was to be able to fit the sockets in for the legs to connect to. If you dremel it out there will be nowhere for the legs to connect to anymore :(
A few other things that suck about Modulok:

- both his heads are rubber. Not a huge issue in the immediate but at best it means more paint is going to rub off them from touching them and since they're red they will also likely fade at a different rate than the other pieces.

- this is also true of several other pieces like the double joint cups and the butt piece without the sockets. The butt piece already has paint rubbing off of it and I have only connected/disconnected it twice.

- all of the joints are molded in red and painted brown. I already have a lot of paint chipping on them and I've barely touched the thing. Easy enough to fix if you know anything about painting but also something you'll have to fix constantly.

- it's not just the front pelvis piece that suffered from the extra added un-sculpted plastic, every piece that legs connect to has. I don't know if this was bad engineering on the 4HM's part of Mattel not willing to do whatever the 4HM designed so they just did in-house changes to it without consulting them.

Don't get me wrong, still a cool figure but it has some serious flaws. It's no home run like Mantenna was. He reminds me more of the Horde Troopers. Cool, glad I have it, but also feel like I paid way too much and it's a bit disappointing.
I also just depressed the hell out of myself by looking at how much I paid for this. I didn't really pay that much attention because I knew I'd be buying it no matter what. But I thought it ended up being a bit less than $50 after tax and shipping. Actually it ended up being nearly $60. Uhg. Not worth it but I'm a captive audience at this point and there's only a handful of figures left for me considering I only buy the Horde stuff and even then don't buy all of it. (I don't have Cy Chop and won't be getting Double Mischief)
I don't understand why that groin piece cannot be made in the v shape as one solid piece.

Maybe to get that bug-like stance?

I can't say too much about it, as I'm still waiting for mine, though. I guess I'll see when it's in hand, but it still looks fantastic to me.
It just doesn't look good and makes what was the 2014 figure into something a little goofy. Maybe not that dramatic but it does take away from it I think.
I'm not sure how it was originally designed but I can't see how you could have the groin area be as thin as the prototype while also two reasonably sized sockets to fit in there. The only thing I can think is that it was originally designed for the balls to be on the pelvis' and the sockets to be on the legs but then you'd loose that hinge articulation at the hip joint so I can't imagine that was what was intended.

Maybe it was just not thought through well in the sculpting phase?
That's why I am saying one solid piece. If it were one hard plastic piece, I don't see how it would break.

Also Some of the female groins are really small.
Do you have the figure in hand? It's not a matter of it breaking, it's a matter of not being able to fit in the two removable ball-in-socket joints. Even if they were removable pegs like on TrapJaw's arm, I still don't think you'd have the room, maybe even less room for those.

The balls themselves are about 6-7mm so you'd need at least 14-16mm of horizontal space to fit in the two sockets assuming the socket walls are 1mm thick. And the groin is about 16mm thick so it looks as thin as I think is possible given the ball-in-socket design they chose for the parts removal feature.