Masters of the Universe Classics

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Yeah it's weird… I can't understand how they could have ever made it work as originally sculpted assuming that it was always going to have removable parts, which it was. The Horsemen are usually very good about sculpting with articulation in mind and they have experience with this sort of thing from toys like the Outer Space Men line they do.
Yeah it's weird… I can't understand how they could have ever made it work as originally sculpted assuming that it was always going to have removable parts, which it was. The Horsemen are usually very good about sculpting with articulation in mind and they have experience with this sort of thing from toys like the Outer Space Men line they do.

I blame Toy Guru. He MUST be behind it. ;)
The arms and heads work great, it's just a botched job on the legs. This is one of those cases where I'd really like to know what happened and while we may get some sort of explanation I doubt we'll actually ever know what happened.
Whether if it's true or not,Club Etheria not looking so good...(maybe the delusional POP'ers would understand that POP is not as popular as they think)

We don't have the resources for one right now but i can try and update as often as possible. While the sub did great out of the gate it has slowed down considerably. So please do help spread the word! We all want this sub to go through!

so let's front line the first half of 2015 with POP...that would be a good move :cuckoo:
They have been shown in the past to use very obvious scare tactics in an attempt to sell more. Before they even had this new sub up for sale they were doing that. So I just assume this is the same BS.
They have been shown in the past to use very obvious scare tactics in an attempt to sell more. Before they even had this new sub up for sale they were doing that. So I just assume this is the same BS.

I kinda believe it to be true as POP is not as popular as the "POP Cheer leaders" want you to think..

A big move to sell this sub is to reveal Mermista as the $30 figure...and do it soon
Why do you think POP fans are dilusional and why does it bother you?

I would put that question to all of you.

FYI, I happen to agree but i'd like to know what each of you think.
Why do you think POP fans are dilusional and why does it bother you?

I would put that question to all of you.

FYI, I happen to agree but i'd like to know what each of you think.

Eamon you should already know that answer

There are is small but vocal community (mostly who think POP ranks right up there with Vintage MOTU in popularity (they think POP sells the same as MOTU when it clearly doesn't)...that is their Delusion..Subber's are forced to buy everything whether they want it or not.

POP is a girls line and was created for girls...always was and always will be.....I grew up collecting boys toys action figures.I have no connection to POP or it's cartoon.It bothers me because this community tells me that I should accept POP as part of the Masters of the Universe...I guess I should except Care Bears as Masters of the Universe too? POP = Rainbow Brite = Care Bears in my eyes
I'm not sure Care Bears was originally aimed at girls. I think it might have headed in that direction over time but the earliest incarnations were just aimed at younger kids. I could be wrong, I'm honestly not sure and wikipedia is no help there. Regardless I don't immediately think of that as an overtly girl line of toys or even relate it to stuff like PoP since it's not aimed at the same age group.

… pointless meandering aside

Even though I really love some of the PoP stuff, especially Horde things like Catra, Scorpia, Octavia, etc…, I do totally understand I am far from normal and am not the primary audience for this stuff. So I agree that there's a bit too much obscure stuff that most of the customers have zero interest in. The only reason they can get away with it is because of this stupid subscription model and I don't think a small number of people being able to get the obscure things they want is enough justification to basically force the bulk of the customer base to buy things they don't want.
But the argument would be that the cartoons made them one universe and there POP has every right to be there.

And that's why I like them.

Honestly, I can't speak to the "delusion" of PoP fans, as I hardly ever venture into org territory. Those folk are all crazy to me! But it does seem rather obvious that the PoP fanbase seems to be much smaller than MOTU... But for all we know there's a "silent majority" of collectors who are fine with having them sprinkled in among the "boys' toys". I'm not going to give too much credence to the more vocal/passionate/whiny posters on either side of any given online argument.
Well because the truth is....POP is not as popular as you are led on to can like POP,but there folks out there that are so delusional to believe that POP can hold it's own with MOTU

more proof here as Toyguru just said that last year's Filmation Sub was selling better than this years POP sub

Is the slow-down on par with Filmation?

"Significantly lower than where we were with Club Filmation. Come on POP fans, we can't finish all the POP gals without your help! Other faction fans, support POP for supporting your characters"
Oh, I'm under no impression that it is...

Seemed like a risky venture from the start. I posted earlier that I expected a mixed Filmation/PoP sub, and was really surprised when it turned out to be PoP only.

Oh well, all is not lost yet. Guess I'd better order it myself and show support! Still haven't gotten around to it...
At least this is a separate subscription. I know some of these characters could end up in Club Eternia down the road if the POP sub falls way short, but I'm at least glad to see these characters by themselves. That way I can completely pass on them and not miss any of the vintage MOTU and mini comic characters I am really looking for.
Isn't there no "could" about it. Didn't they say they will definitely be in next year's sub?
No kidding… I really hope the POPers buy 10 subs each so this goes through…

Toyguru said:
What happens if POP sub fails?

Not that we are counting on this or at all are expecting to go down this path, but I know a lot of fans are asking what the contingency plan is.

Essentially, yes, we need the POP sub to finish the POP vintage line. Should the add on sub not hit the min, we will simply replace the 3-4 POP slots plannnes for the main sub in 2015 with the first 3-4 POP add on figs (ie Entrapta, Razz etc...) and find some home for lighthope (maybe a con or something). Those figs are far enough along. The final 2 planned 2014 figs and the planned 2015 POP figs would be dropped (but slots replaced with the existing 2014 POP figs).

So the POP sub "failing" would mean fewer overall POP figs and we would not finish POP by the end of 2015. It does not mean we would swap out Mara or some other non POP 2015 fig for one of the 2014 Add on POP figs. We would only replace the 3-4 planned 2015 POP slots. (About the same number that will be in the main 2014 sub if you will).

Hope this helps.

And by stating all of this, we are still fully beyond the 2014 add on POP Club Ether sub happening as is! It could use a little more steam so of you are on the fence, hey do it to support the brand and ensure a true full collection allowing MOTUC to truly feel complete for the record books! Do it for the awesome collection of figures and the first ever Light Hope! Sub in to support your fellow fans who may take a figure from your favorite faction to get their POP fig (in the main sub I mean).

Either way, we do relay on all our fans to help promote this line to their fellow toy collectors and friends. Please help spread the word and we can knock this home!

I think regardless of what happens with this, I will not be subbing in 2015...
Well that's actually pretty decent of them and actually good news since I do really want Entrapa. I would be pretty bummed if she didn't get made at all. Which is weird because I had zero interest in her until I saw the proto.