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My opinion is that I don't think POP fans actually know what they want. They got Bow but they didn't like that he had embelshments and new elements and wanted toon accurate versions instead. The problem there is that toon designs are very much simplified and therefore massively underdetailed.
In my opinion POP needs some updating the designs just don't hold up in my opinion.
And I ain't talking drastic redesigns here. Frosta is an ice queen and she shoud've had icey elemets to her outfit and whatever that fan was supposed to be. Same with Octavia or Netossa.
There is fun to be had with POP but no one seems game.
These are female warriors...that do not look the part.

I would update the shiz out of POP! :)

Shouldn't we be rooting for the PoP mini sub so the 2015 sub isn't a complete loss right off the bat?

Yeah, that is a very good point!
It sounds like now, what they're saying is that there will be four PoP slots in 2015 regardless and the PoP sub going through just means there will be those four figures plus whatever they make in the PoP sub. If the sub doesn't go through we'll just get the four PoP figures they have shown instead in 2015.

Now I wonder how much truth there is to that since it seemed pretty clear from statements before that there was a threat of non-PoP figures being replaced if the sub didn't go through.
Yeah so… original quote:

Yes, if the POP sub does not go through we will not complete the roadmap by the end of 2015. The POP figures for the 2014 sub would go into 2015 and bump 7 2015 figs out. We need the POP sub to go through to complete the 2 year wrap up goal

Which sounds pretty clearly to state, if the PoP sub doesn't go through, they will not finish all of the original MOTU figures.

But now we get this:

It does not mean we would swap out Mara or some other non POP 2015 fig for one of the 2014 Add on POP figs. We would only replace the 3-4 planned 2015 POP slots.

Which sounds like the exact opposite of what they said previously.
It sounds like now, what they're saying is that there will be four PoP slots in 2015 regardless and the PoP sub going through just means there will be those four figures plus whatever they make in the PoP sub. If the sub doesn't go through we'll just get the four PoP figures they have shown instead in 2015.

Now I wonder how much truth there is to that since it seemed pretty clear from statements before that there was a threat of non-PoP figures being replaced if the sub didn't go through.

Ah, so that's it.

There never was any intention of PoP figures NOT being in the main 2015 sub. I wonder now whether there was any real expectation that a PoP sub would go through at all.... Oh well, guess we'll see. I'll go sub now. :)
.. just gonna voice my opinion on all the " POPS FOR GIRLS! ICKY!" that goes on in the fandom as a whole. not talking about any one specific person, ok?

So, now, my opinion, in a webcomic.

I'm not sure Care Bears was originally aimed at girls. I think it might have headed in that direction over time but the earliest incarnations were just aimed at younger kids. I could be wrong, I'm honestly not sure and wikipedia is no help there. Regardless I don't immediately think of that as an overtly girl line of toys or even relate it to stuff like PoP since it's not aimed at the same age group.

… pointless meandering aside

Even though I really love some of the PoP stuff, especially Horde things like Catra, Scorpia, Octavia, etc…, I do totally understand I am far from normal and am not the primary audience for this stuff. So I agree that there's a bit too much obscure stuff that most of the customers have zero interest in. The only reason they can get away with it is because of this stupid subscription model and I don't think a small number of people being able to get the obscure things they want is enough justification to basically force the bulk of the customer base to buy things they don't want.

Carebears was closet christianity. and the good time Full of love they neibhor, share, help others, etc. Hell, one of the badguys WAS satan.
I agree with lerath and that comic actually in terms of girl toys vs boy toys. The way pink is so hard segregated as a "girl" color is ridiculous as is the whole gender stereotyping thing and guys being terrified of being associated with anything girly. That whole concept is kind of sickeningly misogynistic. There's that Madonna song "What it feels like for a girl" that's both a pretty great video and addresses a lot of that crap.
Carebears was closet christianity. and the good time Full of love they neibhor, share, help others, etc. Hell, one of the badguys WAS satan.

no it wasn' was filled with Magic and some morals....had NOTHING to do with REAL Christianity
Lol, Christianity is filled with magic and morals, too. Just saying (good naturedly). :)
Lol, Christianity is filled with magic and morals, too. Just saying (good naturedly). :)

so are you saying the Lord Jesus Christ was just a Magician? he was the Son of you even know the definition of "Christian"? (it means follower of Christ).Magic is actually condemned in the Bible to those who practice it (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
,so Christianity and magic don't mix together.

Sure there is ALOT "supernatural" in the Bible...but Jesus was no Magician or Sorcerer and neither should Magic be in comparison to a Christian.
Most modern concepts of "magic" stem form Kabbalah aka Judaism which is the same place Christianity stems from. It's arguable a lot of of the negative tilt of Christianity towards the idea of "magic" is ye olde Antisemitism.
Most modern concepts of "magic" stem form Kabbalah aka Judaism which is the same place Christianity stems from. It's arguable a lot of of the negative tilt of Christianity towards the idea of "magic" is ye olde Antisemitism.

interesting enough you quoted Madonna...her religion is Kabbalah practice

Kabbalah and Judaism are not the same thing and Kabbalah is no where near the likes of Christianity
Kabbalah is Judaism in the same way any various sects of Christianity are Christianity and it does have a lot to do with Christianity. Kabbalah is among the oldest traditions of Judaism. Hasidic Jews are a more modern interpretation of the tradition but there has been a lot of very recent interest in the older form of it.

To say Kabbalah is "
no where near the likes of Christianity" is the same thing as saying Judaism isn't either… which is silly considering the Torah (though in re-arranged edited form) is in the Bible Christians use.
Kabbalah is Judaism in the same way any various sects of Christianity are Christianity and it does have a lot to do with Christianity. Kabbalah is among the oldest traditions of Judaism. Hasidic Jews are a more modern interpretation of the tradition but there has been a lot of very recent interest in the older form of it.

To say Kabbalah is "
no where near the likes of Christianity" is the same thing as saying Judaism isn't either… which is silly considering the Torah (though in re-arranged edited form) is in the Bible Christians use.

believe what you want

But,that is not true...true bible believing Christians use The reformation Bible-The King James 1611...but anyway,I am not going to get into it with you.You have your beliefs and I have mine.
so are you saying the Lord Jesus Christ was just a Magician? he was the Son of you even know the definition of "Christian"? (it means follower of Christ).Magic is actually condemned in the Bible to those who practice it (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
,so Christianity and magic don't mix together.

Sure there is ALOT "supernatural" in the Bible...but Jesus was no Magician or Sorcerer and neither should Magic be in comparison to a Christian.

Semantics. And nonsense.