From Val Staples over at He-man.borg:
Who here is a Photoshop master and would like to work on an OFFICIAL He-Man project?
"I'm taking a site owner's liberty and posting this here. The offer won't stay here for long.
Most of you know me. Some don't. I'm Val Staples. I own this site, organize Power-Con, have advised and worked on Dark Horse book projects, published He-Man comics... the list goes on. I make things happen, and I have a long history of giving other fans opportunities.
In a couple sad cases, it hasn't worked out and it comes back to bite me in the rear. But for most fans I've hired, I've given a lot of people a professional start and I have had many great experiences. I still hire many of those same fans today on non-MOTU projects. Ultimately, the good far outweighs the bad. And I'm looking to give some more hard core fans a shot to be involved in MOTU.
Here's the criteria and I'm not going to sugar coat it:
• you need to be a Photoshop master, or know it well enough to be a VERY fast learner. If I have to take a lot of time to school you on how to do things, please don't reply.
• NO fan drama. If I even suspect you're someone who gossips or is part of any of the online nonsense I've seen in recent years, I won't reply. I have NO time for juvenile, unprofessional, insecure behavior.
• you have to meet deadlines and follow instructions. If you can't get stuff done on time, and you have a hard time following direction and instruction, don't apply. I have no time for people who give me grief or who fail to deliver on what they say they can do.
What are you needed for? I'm not offering specifics at this time. It's something that, if I feel you're the right candidate, you first have to sign a Non Disclosure agreement before we even talk about it.
You're not going to be drawing a comic or pinups, I can tell you that much. But it will involve an artist's eye and ability.
So who here is a big fan who has always wanted to contribute to an official MOTU project, and can handle everything listed above?
If so, send me a PM.
LOL! Wow... and you guys think I'm condescending. Nothing says, "I'm a douche" like the above post. So anyone here interested in working on a top secret MOTU project that no doubt requires plagiarism and someone who's excellent at forgeries? Ha ha ha.