Masters of the Universe Classics

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Nothing of interest for me, so no regrets not getting the 2011 subscription. I'm glad you guys are getting some figures you want, though. :duff
buzz off looks perfect. i hope he gets his helmet though. i'm liking all the rest. can't believe they are giving so many unique parts. new axes and shields for Vikor. is vikor's cloak furry or is it just sculpted? i can't tell from the pics. Bow looks slightly less gay too.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA!!!!!! He-Man in disguise with cosmic key? WOW that is one of the lamest exclusive Matty Subs ever!

Well this might make my decision REAL simple now. Think i'd rather pay a few extra bucks per fig and try to pre-order them through ebay on the ones I want. I think it will be easier obtaining the ones I want over the hassle of a club eternia subscription selling the ones I don't want.

King Hiss, Roboto, BA Skeletor and Buzz Off look like epic wins coming up! Vikor and Bow.... eh... Shadow Beast is really cool, but don't know if I'd go for it. Hmmmm..... any others announced?
Totally geeked out over King Hiss. Vikor and Buzz-Off are great too.

I'm still not sold on getting the subscription, though. I don't like them forcing me to buy certain figures.
yeah...from 200x

You sure about that? I seem to remember something similar from the classic series (I never watched the 2002 stuff.)

**Khev does a quick google image search**

Aha! They are from the classic series as well! :rock
