Masters of the Universe Classics

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Ohh really.....mmmm.... but still, the folks I know have good taste like him so that's good enough for me. I don't know anybody who likes Standor.

ya know,Emiliano guessed (or knew who it was) the Unamed One months ago....he said it was Gorpo (but mattel re-named him and re-designed him) hopefully I didn't spoil that for you
ya know,Emiliano guessed (or knew who it was) the Unamed One months ago....he said it was Gorpo (but mattel re-named him and re-designed him) hopefully I didn't spoil that for you

Oh yeah. I speak to Emiliano most days. I don't mind hearing about origins and bios (such as they are) I just don't want to see the figure until he is here.
excellent summary

I'm still not over the amount of tooling dollars wasted on this and the obvious misleading statements about this figure made by several people in the past
1. "It's not Gorpo". What nonsense! Of course it is! They just changed the name that's all! It's still an evil Trollan.
2. "It's a completely new sculpt". This might be true but it's still just a Trollan! Why waste tooling dollars on a new Trollan buck instead of investing this money into products where it would have been well-spent? Why not use this money to make a new, slimmer, male buck so that figures can were armor without looking fat? Why not paint Two-Bad's and Blade's accessories? Why waste money on what is nothing but a new Trollan? They probably won't even be able to re-use this buck. They could have used Orko's buck and slap a bit of paint and some accessories on it. I just don't get it!
3. "It's a love letter to the fans" Well, it isn't. It's a waste of tooling dollars and a slap in the face. Turning a minor side-kick comic relief race into the ultimate evil of the universe and thinking it's a good idea and fans will love it just shows how much out of touch Mattel is with the fan community and how little the self-proclaimed "MOTU-fas" working for Mattel know about the property.
4. "It screams MOTU" No, it doesn't. It screams "we don't know what we're doing with this property". Honestly, close your eyes and think of MOTU, what images come to your mind? Castle Grayskull? He-Man riding Battle Cat? Skeletor? Cool 80's box-art paintings? Yes! But a purple cross-dressing Trollan with Dumbo-ears? Come on, Mattel, seriously???
5. Oh yes and also what others have pointed out about new and/or concept characters in 2014-15 is true. He should not have been revealed until 2016. He has nothing to do with vintage MOTU or POP. He is a new character for a new brand called "He-Ro son of He-Man" and I definitely would have welcomed this gus in 2016. I'd be fine with that. But not now and not as a sub exclusive and not after all the misleading hype that has been surrounding him.
It would be interesting to see a compiled list of everything official said about the character.
I do agree, though I like it myself, that it is an odd choice, particularly for something entirely new tooling. You'd think just for practical reasons they'd have done something that at least could be somewhat re-used.
I do agree, though I like it myself, that it is an odd choice, particularly for something entirely new tooling. You'd think just for practical reasons they'd have done something that at least could be somewhat re-used.
i'm pretty sure we're gonna see some parts reuse for a 200x variant.
That seems incredibly unlikely to me at this point… but then again I never expect half the **** they do.
Weather it's described as a lame game by Mattel or a weak PR excercise, I do not care. The idea behind the figure was to first see it when you got it.

Given how much fun folks like to suck out of these things (which are toys and is somewhat counter intuitive given the fact that these designed to be for fun), it would be nice to have some fun and experience the surprise we felt as kid seeing a new character for the first time.

Shockingly, I am generally pro fun rather than an anti!

Folks don't relish anything anymore. It's all now now now. Flippen lame I think.

Eamon, speaking of lame, it's a lame idea for a lame figure calculated to delay all criticism and get more subs. There's nothing fun for me about paying for something before I know what it is. Of course it's a natural progression from committing to pay for 9 months of unseen figures, but I'm real tired of that too. :lol
Eamon, speaking of lame, it's a lame idea for a lame figure calculated to delay all criticism and get more subs. There's nothing fun for me about paying for something before I know what it is. Of course it's a natural progression from committing to pay for 9 months of unseen figures, but I'm real tired of that too. :lol

right with you!

The 2015 Sub buy-in will be interesting.Mattel will have to push it through (which in a way,I'd be okay with that so I can cherry pick).Toyguru can forget about 2016 because it isn't gonna happen.2016 will just be "Toyguru designed specials" anyways

I hope whatever is revealed at SDCC (Rio-Blast etc) gets made,the 2015 sub doesn't go through,and the line ends...6+ years is enough for me
It's the line that makes me buy as subscription. Not the subscription figure.
I cannot imagine I am the only one who is't swayed by the sub figure and see it as more of a bonus. I didn't care about Shadow Weaver for instance.

Getting what I see as bonus figure and not knowing what it looks like will be a fun experience. In these days of endless waiting for figures to be made but revealed for up to a year in some cases, I am going to enjoy the spontaneity of not knowing what I am getting until I get it.

Excuse me for wanting to be surprised for once.
actually the Un-named One was not designed by the 4 horseman (only sculpted by them)...the design came from yours truely (Toyguru) and was sent to the 4HM for sculpting (same with Standor) The design is ALL Mattel's and was designed for the new "Son of Hero" crap they are shoving in our faces.

Wow. Well there you have it. This is what happens when no one is brave enough to tell the boss he's not cut out for character design. :lol

right with you!

The 2015 Sub buy-in will be interesting.Mattel will have to push it through (which in a way,I'd be okay with that so I can cherry pick).Toyguru can forget about 2016 because it isn't gonna happen.2016 will just be "Toyguru designed specials" anyways

I hope whatever is revealed at SDCC (Rio-Blast etc) gets made,the 2015 sub doesn't go through,and the line ends...6+ years is enough for me

Watch this line become a zombie and magically survive lack of minimum sub sales. It's going to be the hardest sell ever and I'm skeptical on top of it.

Excuse me for wanting to be surprised for once.

You mean Emiliano getting banned from the org and you getting pushed out of RGD wasn't surprise enough? That's more than what I need from TG& for a very long time.
Hmm.. Don't know if this was thought up before but maybe the real unnamed one is hidden below similar to how orko/adam was packaged?
Hmm.. Don't know if this was thought up before but maybe the real unnamed one is hidden below similar to how orko/adam was packaged?

As seen on Pixel Dan's pre-non-review, the packaging isn't big enough for another figure.
Mattel should have let the 4H design him from scratch. But oh hell no, they just had to get involved. Now the UNO looks like something off a Yu-Gi-Oh card. Such a waste. Toy Guru's He-Ro: Son of He-Man pet project is gonna crash and burn harder than The New Adventures of He-Man did.
Mattel should have let the 4H design him from scratch. But oh hell no, they just had to get involved. Now the UNO looks like something off a Yu-Gi-Oh card. Such a waste. Toy Guru's He-Ro: Son of He-Man pet project is gonna crash and burn harder than The New Adventures of He-Man did.

uh huh :rotfl:lol
As usual, I think this is being blown out of proportion…
People keep calling it TG's pet project… well, I for one I'm glad he's helping it… I don't mind 2-3 duds like Cy-Chop or Mighty Spector, if it means we get Castle Grayskull, Mantenna, Two-Bad, Modulok, etc...
As usual, I think this is being blown out of proportion…
People keep calling it TG's pet project… well, I for one I'm glad he's helping it… I don't mind 2-3 duds like Cy-Chop or Mighty Spector, if it means we get Castle Grayskull, Mantenna, Two-Bad, Modulok, etc...

Also at the cost of the community and the expulsion of both Emiliano and Eamon by proxy too. I am totally done with Scott's poisonous influence, even at the expense of a few more figures/vehicles/playsets. The only redeeming value is having the 4H in the mix still.

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