The shelf space required for the SM shown isn't much different than what would be needed for CG fully opened lengthwise IMO. SM really doesn't appear to be as big as people are exaggerating it to be.
Shelf space is finite, and after 8 years I am extremely selective when purchasing MOTUC. I've only bought 4 figures this year and that's probably all I'll get. I only have the front of CG displayed as that is the most iconic in my eyes. I will definitely be displaying both halves of SM though. The only space big enough for it in my office is 95cm high by 120cm wide. Any bigger than that and I'm out!
I think what really confuses me is fans have amassed this huge MOTUC collection for the past 8 years or so, and gladly have them on display taking up multiple square feet of a room or basement. NOW suddenly they claim to have no more room, and demand that a play set be made smaller as if it's really going to make a huge difference. AND people are suddenly worried about price after spending thousands of dollars on a toy line for the past 8 years? Really?
You're also right that this line has been going for a long time. I was 24 when it started, living at my parents house with no dependents or serious financial commitments. It's now 8 years later and my situation has changed a lot. Plus as I already explained display space is finite, the more stuff you have the less room you have for new purchases. That's common sense.
This line has never really been international fan friendly in terms of shipping/customs, etc. International collectors should already expect to pay high shipping costs for such an item after 8 years. Reducing the size of SM isn't going to make international shipping significantly better.
The size of the item actually makes quite a massive difference to the cost of international postage. Again I agree with you that shipping costs are higher than they should be but that is a topic which has been discussed in this thread ad nauseam over the last 8 years, so I wont go into that
I think the reasons given are more of a personal preference or opinion, and don't have anything to do with the play set's practicality. People want it smaller because it better suits their display plans. They want it smaller because for some reason they think it will be cheaper to ship.
That is a practical consideration for me though. I think we have different opinions about what constitutes a practical consideration. The vast majority of what people say and post is subjective, why do you need to point that out?