Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Re: Movie Masters Joker Wave 1 M5070

I got 3 MM wave 1 Jokers, but I have come to the conclusion that no one cares that it is the first release with no holes on the side of the package, so I am stuck with them. I may try to sell them but the hype is gone.

Wave 1 wasn't recalled per se, they sold out quickly and Mattel released a second wave to fulfill demand, but this wave had holes in the side of the package (and some say even had different paint apps).
Re: Movie Masters Joker Wave 1 M5070

As stated above, the M5070 figures vanished towards the end of May during the "recall". Some found their way back to the pegs though with new UPC stickers over the old one.

There are differences between the M5070 figures and the current revision ones, the main one being the air holes in the sides of the packaging. As far as figures go, the first version was painted brighter, had a glossy finish, had a different colored pattern on the collar and didn't have a product number on the bottom of it's foot. The new version was darker, had a different painted collar and had a product number on it's foot. Obviously a new production run. Overall the first felt like a much more solid figure while the second seemed cheaper.

Most people don't even know or care about the differences anymore but the first May M5070 version is rare, just not valuable.

Yet . . .


First version on the right, second version on the left.
Difabio is right. The wave 1 Joker was only available for literally around 2 weeks in may 2008. That's a very small window. There are paint differences around the collar and the gloves and face. Also the serial number and the lack of air holes. It's the original Ledger Joker figure, and at this point, VERY hard to come by
Difabio is right. The wave 1 Joker was only available for literally around 2 weeks in may 2008. That's a very small window. There are paint differences around the collar and the gloves and face. Also the serial number and the lack of air holes. It's the original Ledger Joker figure, and at this point, VERY hard to come by

I was fortunate enough to snag 2 wave 1 Jokers.
Wasn't there some talk of an issue with the Joker's knife that caused the recall? I thought I remembered something to that effect but I could be wrong.

My BR Joker should be here tomorrow

UPS tells me the same! :joy
I don't believe any Joker figures were actually recalled. And if they were, they were just to put a new sticker on the back correcting an item number or something stupid. There isn't any difference in the actual figure. Packaging, yeah, a bit, but its definately not this amazing treasure to have like people think. Heck, I got two of them as well and had them repainted by Les and Josh! They look even better now :D
There isn't any difference in the actual figure.

Yes there is.

Wave 1 Joker

- The Joker's collar (the hexagon undershirt) has the grayish print pattern design over the purple.

- Wave 1 Joker doesn't have a serial/product code at the bottom of his left foot.

- Brighter purple, white, green, paint.

- Face is not dirty

- Glossy finish (especially on the gloves)

- More noticeable brown dirt on overcoat and arms.

Wave 2 Joker

- The current "Wave 2" Joker has the exact opposite collar paint applications. It's collar has the purple print pattern design over the gray.

- Wave 2 Joker has a 6-digit code at the bottom of his left foot.

- Darker purple.

- Face is dirty. Some of the current ones lack the black eye make up.

- Not glossy. Matte finish.

- Less noticeable brown dirt on overcoat and arms.

MAY Wave 1 The Joker packaging.

None of these have stickers on it. These are the original.

- No holes on the side
- Hole in the back of the card (varies between figures)
- No identical UPC code sticker (the UPC code is on the insert)
- No Mattel serial assortment item # Sticker


July Wave 2 shipment Joker packaging

- Holes on the side bubble
- No hole in the back
- Identical UPC code sticker
- Red and White Mattel serial assortment item # Sticker with new numbers

- Molded Recycling Symbol

November Wave 1/Wave 2 shipment Joker packaging

- Holes on the side bubble
- No hole in the back
- NEW primitive UPC code sticker
- New Black and White Mattel logo with serial assortment item # sticker with new numbers

- Molded Recycling Symbol

The "Less Scary" version however was a hoax and is indeed fake.


The one on the right (innocent looking Joker) is not real and was never released. It was touted as wave 2 though. The differences in wave 1 and 2 are minimal (to me anyway). The one on the left is wave 1.
So how much do you think I could get for a wave 1 Joker? I really doubt these are going to go for more than 20 bucks.

Probably as much as the second one which is next to nothing. It is RARE though. If more people knew the differences between the two it would definitely be sought after and highly valuable.

For now it's lost in the mix with all the newer versions. Anyone who's looking for the original on ebay, good luck. People just don't list or care about the differences anymore. The only figure that you can absolutely tell is the original is TDK Batman. The original Joker and Gotham City Thugs are lost in the mix unless you have fantastic eyes and can make out the small differences (collar, color, holes) on the blurry ebay pic.

Think about it though, those first versions were out for less than a month and were ALL bought up. I'm sure alot of people have disregarded/forgotten the fact that they own the original and have opened them.

So what happens years from now somewhere down the line when people WANT and understand the differences (like the old retro lines in the past)?


Right now, yeah, it's basically worthless. It also doesn't help that people are looking for that BS "scary version" that doesn't exist. However it is rare and scarce in terms of availability. I'd just hang onto it. It's a nice piece to own especially with all the hassles and history it has.

which one's wave 1 and which is wave 2?

The "Less Scary" version however was a hoax and is indeed fake.
Yeah the wave 1 doesnt go for more than 20 bucks but good luck finding it. You must persistantly search ebay for them under M0570 and wave 1 joker, etc. The figure is the original heath joker, a true collectors item. I reccommend it, seeing as I stocked up on six of em.
Look at the collars. The one on the right has the lighter, original collar. The one on the right has the filled in collar. Look at the matte finish on the one on the right's gloves. Glossy gloves on the originals
Well this thread has convinced me that I need to come home this weekend and take new shots of each variations. Then post a step by step analysis of the history of this figure.

People must know the truth and I shall inform them. They said Edward couldn't be taught, well, we'll see.
That's a really crappy figure. Why did they make it twice?

It may not compare to Hot Toys or anything, but this will always be THE first figure of Heath's Joker. So for anyone who owns one (wave 1, not 2), they own something special. At the peak of the hype, these went for upwards of $100...not just on eBay but also for that price on Amazon.

Well this thread has convinced me that I need to come home this weekend and take new shots of each variations. Then post a step by step analysis of the history of this figure.

People must know the truth and I shall inform them. They said Edward couldn't be taught, well, we'll see.

Meh, I'll take your word on it. Now to go to the DX Joker thread :D
And there's the appeal. It's the original Heath Ledger joker figure. Classic performance. Classic figure. Not the best, not even amazing, but it sure is cool
Wow. I found one on clearance for $8 at KMart and gave it to my 4 year old nephew last January. I asked him if I could have the playing card and he said no. Then I found it in his play room crumpled up. :dunno

I liked TDK, but I don't get what the big deal was. Brian Azzarello's Joker was cooler.