Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

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Re: Maximus

I'm still hoping to get this. It's one of my most desired figures and I must have this armor. Please let us know when you'll be accepting new order for these Spenser. Thanks.
Re: Maximus

I think MarfMaster has his on the Leonides body and I was thinking about putting this on the Perseus body.

My Perseus body's on the way. Once I get it, all parts go out to Greggo. I think it'll be the first completed one on a Perseus body so can't wait to own it!
Re: Maximus

My Perseus body's on the way. Once I get it, all parts go out to Greggo. I think it'll be the first completed one on a Perseus body so can't wait to own it!

Please post pics once it's done. :) I was also planning on sending mines to Greggo, but I'm still waiting on Spenser to see if he's still taking more orders.
Re: Maximus

but I'm still waiting on Spenser to see if he's still taking more orders.

Yep I'm still taking orders.

And just and update for those who have ordered, I have several painted and assembled sets going out tomorrow. and unpainted set going out later in the week.
Re: Maximus

Leonidas body is too thin and small for this head. Russell has a dense constitution
Re: Maximus

I don't know about too thin, maybe a bit too toned? But I like the way it looks overall.

Re: Maximus

I cant wait to get mine. How the progress on these?

Was wondering what kind of body works best? I have an old Dragon Kason Vietnam body, the one with the Crow head. Will this work?
Re: Maximus

I, too cannot wait to get my armor. I'm going to be placing mines on HT Perseus body. I'm not sure what the Dragon Kason Vietnam body is. If it's about the same size as a HT trueType, then you shouldn't have a problem.