Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

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Re: Maximus

This is really tempting, but I'm still so stoked on your final battle armor. Are you doing a new Crowe sculpt for this? Not that I think you need to, yours is still the best Crowe sculpt out there IMO.
Re: Maximus

This is really tempting, but I'm still so stoked on your final battle armor. Are you doing a new Crowe sculpt for this? Not that I think you need to, yours is still the best Crowe sculpt out there IMO.

It's the same sculpt. And thanks!
Re: Maximus

Here are a few shots, sorry they’re so bad. I’ll take some better ones later, I forgot the breastplate and some of the other stuff. Most all of it should be molded by the end of the week.

Re: Maximus

^^^^^^^looking good i like this look also might be interested not sure yet i already have the final battle armor and love it.
Re: Maximus


This is gonna be awesome! I can hardly wait!

Re: Maximus

just working details on the helmet. And I molded a few parts.
Re: Maximus

Hey guys, I checked with Spenser & he said it would be ok to post a link to my custom Tigris of Gaul figure. All the details are on the 1st page & will compliment Maximus nicely. I'm allowing to 15 sets if anyone is interested .. It's early days but coming along quick thanks guys
& Spenser for allowing the link...