Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

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I agree with you quervomarvel, I have been waiting for my dark helmet for a couple of months which I'm fine with but no response from recent PM's about the ETA, I've been reassured that Spenser is a good guy an will come through but I agree better communication would be nice, anxiously waiting for a figure is one thing, anxiously waiting if you are going to get screwed out of $300 is another, I am sure that Spenser will come through tho

Yes better communication would be good. I'm also waiting on a set of ghostbusters heads
Re: Maximus

I've never heard of Spenser having any trouble on these boards, and he does disappear sometimes, only to come back later on with news and products.
I wouldn't worry if I were you guys.
Sure, it's irritating, but I'm sure everybody will get their stuff.
Re: Maximus

He will come through I bought a unpainted kit from him I took forever but I got it so don't worry you'll get it.
Re: Maximus

After hearing your breakdown of how it went Q, I can get where you are coming from in retrospect. If even to direct your worry to the crappy US postal service of not to the customizer, I'd be anxious if that's the point it was at for me too. I fully understand!
Re: Maximus

Well, more than 2 months have passed since my initial complaint, almost a month since my last post here... and 2 weeks since being asked for my address AGAIN through PM, with no other reply as usual. At this point, I'm considering my money really lost, and almost sure that I got scammed.
Re: Maximus

I have never known Steven to be nothing but an upstanding guy. Yes his communication is rather spotty. But, in the end, he always comes through.
Re: Maximus

Again I’m sorry to Queromarvel I so got him mixed up with another SSFreak and thought I had sent it way back. I’m the worst record keeper ever.

On another note I’m back to working on the Carthage armor. I have the shield, breastplate done, and the helmet just about done. Pictures soon
Re: Maximus

Again I’m sorry to Queromarvel I so got him mixed up with another SSFreak and thought I had sent it way back. I’m the worst record keeper ever.

On another note I’m back to working on the Carthage armor. I have the shield, breastplate done, and the helmet just about done. Pictures soon

Interest list?
Re: Maximus

On another note I’m back to working on the Carthage armor. I have the shield, breastplate done, and the helmet just about done. Pictures soon

Cool! interested in the Carthage armor ! :)
Re: Maximus

any news on the carthage armour set?

I’m getting the spikes put on the helmet, it’s the hardest part of the whole thing. The rest of it is done.

I’m setting up a pressure casting system also so the helmet spikes won’t catch any air bubbles.