Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

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Re: Maximus

Sorry guys been down with the flu.

I’ll take some pictures of some updated stuff in the next few days.
Re: Maximus

Can't wait to get this!! Still need the boots and sword for the first set I ordered.
Interested in outfit and head sculpt to I'd there a list goin here
Re: Maximus

Hey Steven,

any progress on the Ghostbusters heads I bought from you?

Sorry to be off topic!
Re: Maximus

Hey guys,

Sorry about the wait this current wave of Maximus ordered has confused me slightly because they all hit at once and a lot of you are in or near the same geographical locations, so please bear with me as I sort it all out, who’s order is what etc. Thanks!
Re: Maximus

Man, are you alive? Still hoping that eventually you'll answer my PM's. I know you are very busy, but I ordered the kit almost 6 months from now. In november you said that was finishing, then you said in december that it was probably sent... so what?

Don't wanna be rude, but I believe that I deserve at least an answer, right? Leave a customer completely in the dark, that is rude.

Re: Maximus

It's kind of none of my business but the guy posted on Jan 20th. He said he's on the orders just sorting things through. He's updated recently what more do you want? It's not like he has anything different to update one customer really.

I'm sorry that waiting 6 months has been rough, that's not sarcasm or snarkiness that's genuine , i do truly get how it can be annoying because I've waited that. But I've also waited much longer. All the time. In fact I waited three years for one order. But it came one day as expected.

I'm not trying to start a thing here but I don't like seeing our customizers pressured like this. If money changed hands, yes the customer has a right to know the status, no disputing that in the slightest. But it will take the time it takes. These guys are one person. They have lives, jobs, families. They get sick, go on vacation. And they have a hobby and generally speaking most unless you are starting a business like iminime or rainman just make them for themselves and offer it to those who keep asking them to offer them. You want the job done right and without resentment from the artist. You want it done with passion.

We could all stand to remind ourselves of that in situations like this. I've never dealt with Spenser ever, I know his very good reputation on the board, I've loved some of his work and others was not for me but he has my respect but I've got no reason to defend him specifically, I see this happen with many customizers. It's happened with me. It's just part of dealing with customizers. They are custom, one off or limited hand made items... Sometimes they take time.
Re: Maximus

I know that many guys wait much more than 6 months, saw that a lot on several threads around here - Rainman, Iminime, Betomatali, etc. What bothers me is the lack of communication, and even more, the confusing info provided in the few times that I got a response.

Had he told me right after I've sent payment: "it's going to take 6 months or more, will let you know", I wouldn't send him one single PM during that period, afterall he warned me previously about the time it would take. If he had a problem, or a delay for any reason, could send a PM / email letting me know, like Rainman did to the guys who bought Anton (that it was going to take a while to ship because of the issue with HT bodies).

Instead, the first message I got was "thanks, will have this out ASAP". Around two months later, in beggining of november, asked again, and it was missing "only a few snaps that hold the armor, and it would most likely be shipped that week".

Asked again in the end of december, right before Christmas, the response was: "please confirm your address, just sent two sets out, and one I'm pretty sure it was yours". After that, no more answers. And nothing has arrived either. So, I guess it's natural for me to show concern, right?

I wrote a lot only because I wanted to make things clear to let everybody knows that I am patient, I understand that customizers have private lives, own problems, and all that. All I ask is a better communication - be honest from the very beggining, don't create false expectations on somebody. When I first contacted him, looked like it wasn't such a big deal to get it finished and shipped, and the messages after payment kind of confirmed my initial impression. So, yes, I'm frustrated with this delay, but I'm more frustrated with being left in the dark.

I took action because it's not the first problem that I have in the customs section, the first I'm still trying to resolve, but this time I decided to not stay silent... I know that I deserve some respect, not only the product.

Sorry for any errors in my writing, english isn't my native language.

And thanks for reading this.
Re: Maximus

I agree with you quervomarvel, I have been waiting for my dark helmet for a couple of months which I'm fine with but no response from recent PM's about the ETA, I've been reassured that Spenser is a good guy an will come through but I agree better communication would be nice, anxiously waiting for a figure is one thing, anxiously waiting if you are going to get screwed out of $300 is another, I am sure that Spenser will come through tho