May 19th Prequel Appreciating Day!

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So what? Are you now the chief defender of the faith :lol

There is nothing elite about being right, or having superior/discerning taste... oh wait :panic:

No, I'm just saying ignoring "certain aspects" of the OT to defend a failed argument is pointless. :D

Star Wars = Star Wars whether it's OT, PT, CW, Eu. All of it has great aspects, silly aspects and just plain bad aspects.
Did you know...?

Did you know that Nam has been here for 788 days and has posted 12,808 times in that time. That is an average of 16.25 posts per day.
I don't think we need another day for gods sakes. I'm all into the fun of things but come on now.

THIS is exactly what I'm talking about. There were plenty of elements in the OT to make it just as "bad" as the prequels but you elitists are so blind you can't see the forest for the trees.

I agree for the most part. There are plenty of issues in the OT that make it every bit as "bad" as the PT. Why many choose to ignore that is beyond me. However, not every one is that way for what thats worth.

I like Star Wars. PT+OT=SW


Star Wars = Star Wars whether it's OT, PT, CW, Eu. All of it has great aspects, silly aspects and just plain bad aspects.

I agree with this 110%. I like SW and think all of it is fun and great for what it is.
How many ____ing days does Star Wars need? I've heard of May 4th with its wonderful "May the 4th Be With You" tagline, May 5th with "Celebrate the Dark Lord of the 5th", of course May 25th....enough already. If the prequels were so appreciated then they'd be celebrated as part of the saga on whatever day is decided upon for the "Star Wars Day". Separating them out even as a sign of appreciation only breeds and fuels the argument between OT purists and PT apologists.

(had to take a little swipe at the end ;))

:goodpost: :exactly:


Iron Man > Darth Vader :yess:
THIS is exactly what I'm talking about. There were plenty of elements in the OT to make it just as "bad" as the prequels but you elitists are so blind you can't see the forest for the trees.

Please enlighten me and give me several things that were terrible in the OT... And I never said they were perfect...but id love to hear. Also I am not the one pigeonholeing people as a group because they prefer one trilogy to another.. I like Star Wars in general, but im not going to say that the prequels were anywhere near the level as the Originals. Maybe its because I was a child when i saw the original..maybe its because they are just better movies?
Nam is a SS and PT apologist. Ignore him.

He _____es about people coming into a PT thread and complaining. But he's the first one to come into a Medicom thread and complain and make fun when he doesn't like them either. (god i wish you couldn't see people on ignore quotes so why bother)

I'm with GB, i guess having genuine decent taste make you an 'elitist' .
Said it before and i'll say it again, better to be an OT elitist, than a PT apologist.

I hope Nam and those other 4 people at PT appreciation day have a good time! (so lets leave them alone)
bah, ALL SW is equal parts Campy story, Bad dialogue, special effects, and Classical 'hero's journey" story arch. Saying Either the PT or the OT is "better" than the other simply makes you an ass.

It's all cheesy Sci-fi, and WE love it. Trying to make it out to be more than that is just fanboy drivel. Granted, Phantom menace and Attack of the clones are two of the weaker films, but considering it had been 15 years between jedi and Menace, it took Lucas some time to get the proper equation of Campy story, Bad dialogue, special effects, and Classical 'hero's journey" story arch to create the right mix.
Taken as a whole, they're not Great films, but they're an enduring part of all our childhoods in varying ways. and Nothing will ever be as good as it was when you were a kid, that's just the nature of life. Accept it, move on, watch the films ( all 6, or just 1) and have a good time.
Liking or disliking one or more of the movies more or less than the others doesn't make you an elitist or an apologist. It simply makes you a fan.

and labeling others as one or the other simply makes you look stupid.
Nam is a SS and PT apologist. Ignore him.

He _____es about people coming into a PT thread and complaining. But he's the first one to come into a Medicom thread and complain and make fun when he doesn't like them either. (god i wish you couldn't see people on ignore quotes so why bother)

I'm with GB, i guess having genuine decent taste make you an 'elitist' .
Said it before and i'll say it again, better to be an OT elitist, than a PT apologist.

I hope Nam and those other 4 people at PT appreciation day have a good time! (so lets leave them alone)

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Nam is a SS and PT apologist. Ignore him.

He _____es about people coming into a PT thread and complaining. But he's the first one to come into a Medicom thread and complain and make fun when he doesn't like them either. (god i wish you couldn't see people on ignore quotes so why bother)

I'm with GB, i guess having genuine decent taste make you an 'elitist' .
Said it before and i'll say it again, better to be an OT elitist, than a PT apologist.

I hope Nam and those other 4 people at PT appreciation day have a good time! (so lets leave them alone)

You guys are really a bunch of immature ignoramus'!:mad:
I'm not saying the OT is better than the PT...thats ridiculous to bunch two trilogies in together....I am simply saying that "A New Hope", "Empire Strikes Back", and "Return of the Jedi" are better movies than "The Phantom Menace", "Attack of the Clones" , "Revenge of the Sith", and possibly "Gigli".. oh and Godfather 3
I'm not saying the OT is better than the PT...thats ridiculous to bunch two trilogies in together....I am simply saying that "A New Hope", "Empire Strikes Back", and "Return of the Jedi" are better movies than "The Phantom Menace", "Attack of the Clones" , "Revenge of the Sith", and possibly "Gigli".. oh and Godfather 3

There's nothing wrong with having your own opinion on which films you enjoy more. I love the original films and I personally do not enjoy the prequels at all. Does that group me into a "OT elitist" category. Maybe, but I don't really care either way. I like to think that I'm not an elitist, but a person with an opinion like everyone else.

However, I'm happy for the people that do like the prequels and have a good time watching them. Enjoy your prequel appreciation day guys.
Wow... seriously, is anyone offended by someone's like or dislike of the PT/OT? I prefer the OT personally, but I don't "hate" the prequels or think anyone who prefers the PT is "stupid." To each their own, if RotS is your favorite of the SW movies then more power to you! Personally I like ANH more than ESB - OH NO BURN THE DEVIANT!!