McCain Shocker!

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If your attacking might want to see who wrote all the democrats speeches cause they didnt write them either.....oh and her one joke wasnt scripted

You're right. And it was also the only one real thing she thought of that whole speech. The rest was all pre-written by people other than herself.
The real problem is that it opens the door to removing other rights in the desire for tighter security. Slowly, if we see more and more of these laws enacted... we will lose the rights that our country was founded on and bring us that much closer to a Fascist country that rules it citizens out of fear.

Ah, the "Slippery slope" argument.
I never get tired of that canard.
So for you its a could happen scenario.
Someone else in this thread seems to think they no longer are enjoying their
full rights as an American right now! This very second even!
That terrorism is all due to the politics of Democrats. It's not any particular parties fault. Our Government has supported various groups across the world, some turned into terrorists... We've ignored small threats and had them turn into bigger threats... we've pissed off groups and put ourselves in their sights...

But it's not because of any certain group... it's all our faults.

And I wasn't trying to attack you bro.. :peace
I'm just responding to people saying that because of President Bush and the Iraq war our image in the world is damaged. The hatred for the US did not start with our sitting president or the Iraq war. It's been going on almost 4 decades now and longer with Russia.
But I would be willing to guarantee a social and political conservative has never spit on or degraded a US soldier.

I wouldn't be so quick to take that bet. Conservative talking heads have been quick to degrade US soldiers who challenge their talking points and of course it's not the Democrats who cut combat pay and slash funding for veterans' services.

Can you name a single right you dont have now that you did before 9/11?

Aspects of the 4th through 6th Amendments are now at the discretion of the executive labeling you an enemy combatant, including freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, due process and right to legal representation.

You actually think this is the first time the govt. has spied on people.

No. But that doesn't excuse it now. We are better than this.

Who would have ever thought that the "compassionate" left media would criticize a woman for advancing her career, having a daughter pregnant out of wed lock, and having a child with Down's Syndrome?

She's being criticized for lacking the experience necessary for being president of the United States and for her abysmal record as governor and mayor, including her well-publicized penchant for cronyism. And frankly I think it's fair to question the priorities of a mother who went back to work two days after a special needs child was born and wants to campaign for one of the most time-intensive jobs on the planet when that child is still a baby.

Hmmm Saddam Hussein committed genocide, CHECK.

Do you think Bush should have sent the military into Africa?
If you want to believe we should be empty vessels unquestioningly swallowing everything put forward by our friends and acquaintances then go right ahead. I don't think anybody believes that. This is nothing more than political posturing, which is why the right will leap on Wright but make excuses for Kalnins or Hagee and trot out the likes of Anne Coulter even now.

Had the concept of two people who agree with each other occurred to you? Where is it written that an association confers the status of cipher on the participants?

Could you stop posturing for two seconds and just consider for a moment what the hell people go to church for? Why do they spend an hour a week listening to sermons? Why do they keep going to the same church, week after week? Why do they seek spiritual counsel from the people they choose to? Because it's convenient for their political opponents? :duh

There are no excuses for the right-wing's associations with their ideologues. Why are you trying to give Obama a pass?
The real problem is that it opens the door to removing other rights in the desire for tighter security. Slowly, if we see more and more of these laws enacted... we will lose the rights that our country was founded on and bring us that much closer to a Fascist country that rules it citizens out of fear.

I'm honestly not a big Bush fan.

But I certainly don't hate him like 90% of the world does for one reason mostly---he promised after 9/11 to keep America safe from another incident and he has done exactly that.

Wanna' wiretap a mosque? Go for it.

That dystopian George Orwell s#$% is far-flung fiction and honestly couldn't happen with our current political structure.
You're right. And it was also the only one real thing she thought of that whole speech. The rest was all pre-written by people other than herself.

and so was Obamas, his wife,Bidans,Fred Thompson along with the rest of them as McCain's will who cares who wrote it she still helped craft Obamas crafted his
The govt still has to go before a federal magistrate to get a tap.

Over the strenuous objections of the president; the Democrats had to trade telecoms immunity for it. And in any event Chertoff has said point blank warrantless spying on US citizens will resume by the end of the year no matter what Congress has to say about it.

How does the patriot act actually adversely affect you, your friends and extended family.

I take it you won't mind if we just delete the Bill of Rights?
Speaking of WWII. I wonder why we waged war on Germany, they never attacked us did they.

America got a taste of what Europe was suffering when the Japanese attacked pearl harbor

America then realised that Great Britain was the last line of defence before Germany dominated Europe and began contemplating crossing the Atlantic Ocean to America and the fight taking place over American soil

We held our own & America decided to assist us as it was in their best interests in the long term
It's pretty prevalent that my political views differ too much from you guys, so I will leave you to your discussion. I don't care how tired you are of hearing that "slippery slope" approach... It's just how I feel about the slow loss of our freedom of speech.

And I don't blame Bush or Republicans for ALL of our problems or terrorism... it's an across the board issue for all parties.. But I still think that the past 8 years have NOT been an improvement.. And I will not be part to a process that will give us another 4 years on top of that... from a person with similar approaches to governing a nation.

And with that, I bid you all adieu.
It's brilliant. I'd much rather the dead pay taxes than the living any day.

She doesn't seem to have accomplished much, to be honest.

The Bush family certainly didn't want us to go to war with their dear friends and business partners! :horror

What do you feel Palin has done to make her fit to sit at a table with world leaders and be taken seriously?

US citizens can be named "enemy combatants" and lose those protections.

I know which party has done more for veterans while in office. It's always fun to hear conservatives try to spin themselves as the soldiers' party when their president is cutting away veterans benefits and slashing danger pay.

I cited the erosion of civil liberties because I think it's more important than anything else and it affects us all.

How has your civil liberty been affected? A member of the ACLU are you?

Don't worry they will get you while you are alive, and you must not care about passing down a legacy to loved ones. That's fine but some of us do.

Palin cut Alaska's budget by 268 million. Not significant enough for you? She took on the oil companies and won. Having them agree to her terms and raising taxes on the oil companies drilling in Alaska. Not significant enough for you? She also signed a supported an ethics bill, and helped create the Alaska Health Strategies Planning Council to help find ways to help reduce the price of healthcare. She also has the highest approval rating of any governing official that I can think of. Not enough for you? She's also young but has a lot of spirit and I like her line of thinking about energy. It's a good start. I think she's great!!
What do you feel Palin has done to make her fit to sit at a table with world leaders and be taken seriously?

It's simple. Her and McCain believe in what I believe in. Isn't it the same for you. My party believes in a strong military as do I. Obama has said he will slash military spending by billions. My party wants to drill for our own oil, Obama does not. My party believes in withdrawing from Iraq when we can do it safely. Obama seems to be changing on this some but at first wanted to start withdrawing immediatley. My party is pro-2nd, Obama, who now claims he is also has repeatedly sided with the anti-gunners. There is more but I'm getting tired.
And which part of the Bill of Rights did he have in mind?

Campaign finance reform has done a fine number on the 1st Amendment.

Is there anything in that document pertaining to handgun ownership?

Pot, kettles, kettles, pots, etc.,etc.
Didn't Obama vote in favor of wiretapping even though he was initially against it? I believe this was reported on CNN and it didn't sit well with some on the left. I am curious to see how much of the damage caused to civil liberties under Bush will be changed under an Obama administration.
I'm just responding to people saying that because of President Bush and the Iraq war our image in the world is damaged. The hatred for the US did not start with our sitting president or the Iraq war. It's been going on almost 4 decades now and longer with Russia.

I travel extensively for work and pleasure and indeed lived overseas for two years (I returned in February 2002 in part because of 9/11 and the international response to our response). I can assure you the US has lost considerable respect and friendship as a direct consequence of how Bush handled the response to 9/11 and the decision to invade Iraq. You have to understand that to much of the world, the Iraq invasion was essentially unprovoked and unjustified. The response to my being American is completely different today than it was prior to 9/11.
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