I'd written a lengthy response only to find the thread locked when I went to post! So this will likely be much shorter than the original.
Had the concept of two people who agree with each other occurred to you? Where is it written that an association confers the status of cipher on the participants?
That's the implication of your many comments. I don't think I can name a single person whose opinions I have agreed with 100% of the time.
Why are you trying to give Obama a pass?
I'm not giving Obama a pass. Obama said he did not agree with Wright's remarks. That makes this a non-issue for me.
But aren't you for championing a woman's right to choose? She chose to go back to work.
Every choice isn't equal. I think it says volumes about her that she chose to go to work when her special needs child was two days old. I think it says a lot about her judgment that she's choosing to run for one of the most intensive jobs in the world when she has a special needs infant to care for.
Don't worry they will get you while you are alive, and you must not care about passing down a legacy to loved ones.
It's not a zero sum game.
Palin cut Alaska's budget by 268 million.
She also left Wasilla in debt. She seems to like debt. We wanted to use debt instead of available cash to pay for road works as governor. Why spend responsibly when you can pay more with interest later? But to be fair I don't think we can judge her civic financial sense yet. She just hasn't had enough experience to make a truly informed decision in either direction.
How has the Patriot Act directly affected you?
It has directly removed some of my civil rights. I don't know why you think that's not important. If you truly believe it's not then you would surely agree we can toss out the Bill of Rights. I doubt you'll go there, which means you're just posturing.
It's simple. Her and McCain believe in what I believe in.
That's a very good answer. It's why I'm voting for Obama even though I would prefer he had more experience.
Didn't Obama vote in favor of wiretapping even though he was initially against it?
Yes. The FISA bill traded telecoms immunity for the reinstatement of warrants. Obama was opposed to granting retroactive immunity for crimes but Bush said point blank he would not sign any security bill that did not let the phone companies off the hook. (It should be obvious why; the spy program was illegal and the carriers would likely have traded immunity deals for testimony in any legal action against Bush after he leaves office.) I am disappointed in the FISA vote but I'm a realpolitik guy - which is one reason I used to like and respect McCain before he went crawling back to the people who smeared him and sacrificed his integrity in hopes of winning the nomination.
Again sir, an example from your life that conveys the hardship that you endure due to the Patriot Act.
Should the people who say nothing controversial care about relinquishing the 1st Amendment?
Americans should care, why?
America exists in an increasingly global economy. We are a citizen of Earth. We've already seen what happens when we behave like a bull in a china shop. I'd prefer it if next time we didn't look surprised and say, "But what did I do?"
We don't have a ceasefire agreement with Africa.
How is that relevant to referencing genocide as a rationale for invasion?
I have yet to see evidence of the Patriot Act being used for something other than terrorist surveillance.
In the final analysis, payroll withholding and mandatory financial reporting are equally egregious violations of people's rights
Not really. You pay rent where you live.