Like most of you, I first saw the Daryl figure and laughed. I literally lol'd in the store looking at it. Needless to say, I passed. Now everyone who bought one is laughing at us.

Goes to show just how popular the character is.
God if only Neca would save us from this McFarlane TWD hell. I really, really, really do not like Todd at all. How could he let such an insanely good license translate into these horrible figures. Someone REALLY dropped the ball. How could anyone let these figures be as bad as they are? This is 2012, these are 5-6" figures for damn near $20 a pop?
Something really ****ty about these figures (one of many) is the ball joints that are exposed. You think they'd at least try to hide them with the paint job. Nope.

That and the figures are sculpted in a very specific pose, THEN the articulation was added. What a **** up Todd is nowadays...