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I'm sure it's a fun mod, but I think it puts the proportions of the figure out of wack. At 13" tall, Vader may be the right height, but he's still the wrong scale. With this mod, he sort of looks like a Tyranosaurus Rex- looooong legs, with teensy little arms. Vader's knees should be just behind the leg armor, but the extensions set everything too high.

I guess I just think the Medicom body is very well proportioned in of itself. If you lengthen the legs, but leave the rest as is, he starts looking like a little guy on stilts.

But, that's the joy of customizing- "If it makes you happy, then it's right."

Great tutorial.
I guess you could say that. If the shin armour is a lil longer it would be perfect. But personally, i think it looks nice.
I agree the extenders are not a perfect fix,along with throwing the proportions of the figure off they make the cape look a little short too but it'll do for me,at least until I have the cash for one of Hurricane's customs. Speaking of which does anyone here own one of his Vader figs?
Smudger9 said:
I'm sure you are right. I for one just ordered a ROTJ Vader and 2 stormies. Just over $400 shipped to the UK so not too bad. Cant wait for them to get here.... unfortunately it will make the wait for Boba even more unbearable. I'm also considering getting Yoda VCD.... no sure about that one though.

The Yoda VCD is fantastic. Though he lacks some articulation it's a gerat 1:6 TESB Yoda and goes well with both the Medicom and SSC figures. Get one, you will not be disappointed!
Customikey said:
I'm sure it's a fun mod, but I think it puts the proportions of the figure out of wack. At 13" tall, Vader may be the right height, but he's still the wrong scale. With this mod, he sort of looks like a Tyranosaurus Rex- looooong legs, with teensy little arms. Vader's knees should be just behind the leg armor, but the extensions set everything too high.

I guess I just think the Medicom body is very well proportioned in of itself. If you lengthen the legs, but leave the rest as is, he starts looking like a little guy on stilts.

But, that's the joy of customizing- "If it makes you happy, then it's right."

Great tutorial.

yeah, that's what my problem was by standing him on his tip toes in his boots. made him look like he had giraffe legs. thought the extenders might work better but on tip toes he's at about the same height as w/ extenders (tho i'm sure extenders offer better balance) so not a big difference. he really does look great...until u bend him at the knee. then u see that the shin is longer than the thigh lol. still an EXCELLENT fig, that i'll just display standing straight up. did have him seperate from SSCs but have him in the SSC crowd now (on tip toes. will make extenders soon. thanks Scarlet!) and he looks great, standing there w/ arms crossed across the chest, cape a bit in front covering the feet, taller than SSC Luke and even w/ Ani.
Here's what's great about it...

You have more posing options with extenders because they can be removed and reinserted within a minute.

I don't get the "stilts" thing at all, it's just a 1/2 inch increase, standing w/Mask he looks great as you can see but the cape does fall a bit short. If posed in an action pose or against darker background it's a non issue. I guess one can always make a smaller extender and add a heel lift to compensate for a better overall proportion/scale... and very easy to do! The point of all this is we can make a taller/better scale Med Vader.


But when it comes to Hurricane's Vader... there is no other.
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Also PJAM. A tip for making the figure looki a lil less lanky.
Push the cod piece and belt lower.
Scarlet said:
Also PJAM. A tip for making the figure looki a lil less lanky.
Push the cod piece and belt lower.

Already done, it does make a difference. I'll probably end up splitting the difference by using a heel lift and extenders.
This may sound silly, but the easiest trick is to just tug at the base of the face mask so it rides higher. It looks to me that most of you guys actually press down on the helmet which makes Vader look a bit hunched (is that a word?).
The reason why PJAMs pic looks a lil weird is due to his codpiece being on his belly button. I'm sure after he had push down to his crotch it's look soooo much better.
For Pjam

Okay, I had an idea today.
Many had obviously pointed out that with the height adjustments, Medi Vader may look too lanky as if he's on stilts.

I was just lookin at him and thinkin that I've lowered his cod piece and belt. It helps but what can I do to make him look even better.

Push the codpiece and belt lower? They're as low as I could make em go.
What else can I do? I know, raise his shin armour. How? I cant, when I do, they look flimsy/shabby and loose. Hmmmm....
Then bingo! Velcro!
I just thought of Velcro.
They hold pieces together, and they dont destroy or damage the parts. Then I remember i have some plaster/adhesive sided Velcro in my custom kit box.

Here are the steps

1. Get some plaster/adhesive sided Velcro. Black colour would be best.(I only had white and green)

2.Cut them in strips and paste them at the following location.




Now basically, the belt and codpiece can hang much lower. The boots can be pushed up higher. Not only that, now that the shin armour are placed higher, they are more poseable.

Now Vader with 13mm extenders look soooooo much better and proportionate.



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Well, crap!!!!!!!!!! Now I have to track one of these guys down! And I just watched 2 auctions end last night!:monkey2
Scarlet, i think that may just do the trick! thanks so much for all ur help. just next time, could u not use a black background when taking pics of the black subject matter? can't make out what's going on that well. sorry to nit pick. that really does make him look less giraffe legged!
I'm still on the fence about which version. ROTS seems a little cheaper, has more hands, and I doubt Sideshow will make that version. So I guess I'm leaning toward that one.

But the ROTJ version is THE ROTJ version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Hey Scarlet,

Thanks again bro! I will probably do all three now. :lol Heel lift, shorten extender and I just happen to have black velcro strip... but will probably use 2 sided velcro tape because I don't want to use glue on the figure...

He does look more proportional now by adjusting the belts and shin guards... but by using a heel lift his cape will hang lower too! :cool:
Yeah I can understand your predicament. But I think both have pros and cons of their own.

ROTS is pretty cheap compared to the ROTJ version but if you can spare another $30, I recommend ROTJ.

Here's some pro's of each version.

Flippers to fit the gloves
Seb Shaw Headsculpt
More accurate costume than ROTS
Belt clip to hang lightsaber hilt

Glued on chest panel
MORE gloves
...... errr cheaper?:D

That's all that I can of.:rotfl

Also, there's a rumour that the ROTS version is taller. Nope, not true. Both are equal in height.
pjam said:
Hey Scarlet,

Thanks again bro! I will probably do all three now. :lol Heel lift, shorten extender and I just happen to have black velcro strip... but will probably use 2 sided velcro tape because I don't want to use glue on the figure...

He does look more proportional now by adjusting the belts and shin guards... but by using a heel lift his cape will hang lower too! :cool:
Cheers Pjam.
Anyways, i didnt glue on my valcro pieces. :lol
Take pics when you're done.

You too Irish.