Super Freak
lol to tell you the truth, both medicom and sideshow are so off scale... I mean come on jedi luke being 12" flat? that'll make him 6 foot tall... and we all know mark hamill wasn't that tall..
rabidwolverine21 said:so is this goin to be shipping in june or pre ordering around june, because count me in.
Seth Gecko said:Well i always heard vader was 6'8 with the robot legs.before that i dunno..6ft?
I don't care medicom Fett is gonna be insane i just can't wait to preorder.
PosterBoyKelly said:Geez haven't you figured out the answer to every inconsistent thing in the SW saga? The Force. It's the answer to everything. I just always said them robo-legs made him taller. Plus when you become evil, you either grow or shrink, so he grew cause' of the Dark Side. The Force is ALWAYS the answer!
Sith Lord 0498 said:That's what I mean. Vader should've been closer to 6'2" (taking into account the height of the helmet). Boosting him to 6'8"...his legs would've been unnaturally long. Just another inconsistency between trilogies.
Plus, it makes the "short" Medi Vader easier to digest if you look at it from this point of view.
And I agree...Medicom Fett is going to blow everything else away!!!
EVILFACE said:Vader needs to be as he was in the OT, he TOWERED over everyone.
rabidwolverine21 said:any american sites have them up yet.
Seth Gecko said:Yeah just wait