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Looking at all these pics of Medix's I hope I can do it justice.Anyway, I did the neck mod. The small tutorial below is how I did it. I don't know how everyone else did it but I found this was the easiest for me.





Neck Mod

Things you will need


I used some soft foam I had lying around to stuff the neck but I'm sure even paper towel might work. Anything that's soft and can be stuffed could be used I imagine.
Next up a blow dryer. This makes the neck much more pliable when stuffed you'll see below.
And finally something the use to stuff the foam with. That little white thing you see in the pic is what I used and I believe it was a broken and straightened paper clip.


First you want to blow dry the neck to make it more pliable. Now, this may be optional. I found near the end I was just pinching the neck open ( see below) without blow drying it to stuff it. But I used it in the beginning to start stuffing and get the foam far down at the base of the neck. If you choose to do this you'll prolly have to do it a few times because after a while the neck cools and goes back to it's original state.



This is what I mean by pinching it open. You want enough space so you can get the foam and " stuffer" in.


While pinched open you want to just start stuffing foam in. Just break or cut off little pieces of foam to stuff in. You want to get it as evenly as possible. You can feel where the foam is through the neck and you can manipulate it with your fingers to move around the neck. The hardest part is getting it to look even so this may take you a little bit. It's easy, just takes patience.
What I did is stuff the neck, put the head on to see how it looked, took it off, stuffed more, and did this until I got the desired width.

It should look like this when you're done.


My Medi up till this point.

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Looks loads better! And thanks for posting pics, it really helps. I'm gonna try this too :)
Thanks :)

Btw while you're working on the thighs, if you're opening up the suit and have access to the torso area, i'd consider packing out the sides of his torso too while you're at it to make the profile Straighter as opposed to the almost hourglass shape the Medi comes up :lol
Thanks :)

Btw while you're working on the thighs, if you're opening up the suit and have access to the torso area, i'd consider packing out the sides of his torso too while you're at it to make the profile Straighter as opposed to the almost hourglass shape the Medi comes up :lol

Yeah, I intend to but I'm gonna wait till I get the DX stuff. The whole torso is gonna be coming off anyway. I'm only going to cut the waist area and pull out the stuffing. I'm not even going to reglue it yet considering it's going to be coming off in a couple of weeks anyway. The belt is going to hide the cut until then.

Speaking of which, does anyone know what type of glue I should use for the suit?
Looking at all these pics of Medix's I hope I can do it justice.Anyway, I did the neck mod. The small tutorial below is how I did it. I don't know how everyone else did it but I found this was the easiest for me.





Neck Mod

Things you will need


I used some soft foam I had lying around to stuff the neck but I'm sure even paper towel might work. Anything that's soft and can be stuffed could be used I imagine.
Next up a blow dryer. This makes the neck much more pliable when stuffed you'll see below.
And finally something the use to stuff the foam with. That little white thing you see in the pic is what I used and I believe it was a broken and straightened paper clip.


First you want to blow dry the neck to make it more pliable. Now, this may be optional. I found near the end I was just pinching the neck open ( see below) without blow drying it to stuff it. But I used it in the beginning to start stuffing and get the foam far down at the base of the neck. If you choose to do this you'll prolly have to do it a few times because after a while the neck cools and goes back to it's original state.



This is what I mean by pinching it open. You want enough space so you can get the foam and " stuffer" in.


While pinched open you want to just start stuffing foam in. Just break or cut off little pieces of foam to stuff in. You want to get it as evenly as possible. You can feel where the foam is through the neck and you can manipulate it with your fingers to move around the neck. The hardest part is getting it to look even so this may take you a little bit. It's easy, just takes patience.
What I did is stuff the neck, put the head on to see how it looked, took it off, stuffed more, and did this until I got the desired width.

It should look like this when you're done.


My Medi up till this point.


Great mod man. Looks great! :hi5:
Seb just told me that if I cut at the waist the DX torso won't cover it so I'll have to cut further up in the ab area. So no thigh mod today. No point in doing all that because he won't look right. I'll have to wait until I get the DX stuff.
Hey seb any suggestions on how to switch the chests piece of a dxo2 onto the medi?

I have an extra piece I wanna slap onto my medi ...also I still need to figure out how to take a part the upper torso of the dx02