Medicom Dark Knight Batman - Photo Thread -

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Got my Medi in the mail today. Sorry guys but whoever said this is superior to the DX was totally wrong. In my eyes it cannot even compete to the MMS... The whole material feels cheap. I will do all the mods Gipetto posted, look for someone who will repaint the head (who would you guys suggest), but most important I will have to do something with the carbon parts. They destroy the whole look.
Gauntlets need to be fixed too. Guess I will unassemble the complete figure and transfer it to a HT body.
I also dont see why the sculpt should be better. To be honest I see more Bale in every HT sculpt. Anyway, let the mod begin. Maybe I will change my mind when Im done. :rock

Need lots of modifications but will looks better! Thrust us! :D



Thanks! Yes, I remember that Seb had problems. Its more to get an idea what I have to look for. ;)

Some pics straight out of box:



Check out his boobs and lower belly...


I must admit that I can live with the front view when the carbon/cevlar pieces are fixed.


Boots look a little goofy I think...


Heres the gap at the gauntlet. Will try to fix it with the hot water method.


The boots on the HT Batman figures are absolutely horrendous, sometimes you can't even tell left from right, and their sculpt it very off.

On the Medi the only thing wrong with them is they look a bit too flat in the front.
Anybody know how to get the chest armor (the shirt) off?

I was able to get anything else undressed. Is it normal that the pants are padded with cotton?

I don't know how to get the chest armour off but the legs do have cotton stuffed in them, I would take a bit out, to make his legs look more natural, or just move the whole thing over to a HT body
Here's a good question for you guys...
Medicom are notoriously known for being on the short side. Do you guys have any problems with the height compared to Hot Toys figures. Another question I have is which HT body do you guys prefer to switch over to?
^ This is one Medi figure that doesn't suffer from the scale issue. He looks good next to all my HT figs. As far as switching the body I'm not one that really has an issue with the Medi body so I can't help you there.
Here's the info for the decals that vodoun used:

You'll be after BBR decals, code DEC26 and you'll need 1 bottle of MSSOL, Microsol to apply the decals. You need this to soften the decals to the curves as they are water slide decals.

This is a UK based website so if any of you non-UK guys need help getting these, just give me a shout :wave
Here's the info for the decals that vodoun used:

This is a UK based website so if any of you non-UK guys need help getting these, just give me a shout :wave

Thanks for the link. So the decals just go right over what you want covered and that's it? I bet it's a pain in the ass to cut out. How does everyone get it so perfect? Anything I should know? This is to anyone who wants to answer not necessarily to void.
Thanks for the link. So the decals just go right over what you want covered and that's it? I bet it's a pain in the ass to cut out.

Easiest way to make the shapes before cutting a sheet of decal is draw small bits of paper against the groove of the plastic. Cut the paper, check and check again. Once you're happy of the sizes, draw around your stencil to the back of the decal. But remember, you have to reverse the stencil for the left and right areas or you could end up having two left or two right areas cut. Plus you have to make sure the kevlar pattern isn't facing every direction.

Plus if you do go this route, you'll find as just as I did... some of the kevlar plates on the body are not symmetrical. This is where the fun really kicks in.

It sounds a lot to take in right? really it's not. It's one of those preparation things. Like bodywork painting, you spend more time masking than actual painting.

Once thats all complete you'll also need a small pot of clear matt acrylic. It really pops the realism for the decals.

It's pretty much true what KingGraySkull said "Got my Medi in the mail today. Sorry guys but whoever said this is superior to the DX was totally wrong." You're more or less rebuilding the entire figure and unless one is prepared to put the money, well it's not a lot, some pots of paint, decals, microsol pots, brushes and such, time and effort in. Perhaps maybe some 1/6 elastic as well. It's a lot of work. Maybe 3 - 6 weeks worth depending on your 9 - 5 day job.

Some old photos.




How does everyone get it so perfect? Anything I should know? This is to anyone who wants to answer not necessarily to void.

@ voudon Thanks for all the help. I haven't email that place yet about the decals. I live in the states so what would the shipping cost I wonder. How many sheets would I need? I'd need to buy 2 anyway and something else to fill the minimum charge. I've looked around but I can't find any state side.