medicom darth maul pics up

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I just made the post to share my irritations over hearing the same crap again and again and that's the reason I don't post as much now.

Do you reckon we'll have any more figures announced at SDCC, SW RAH's or Marvel RAH's, you've been pretty good at calling out what's gonna be released in the past Seth, what do you reckon we've got coming up now?

Cody gree or sidious.:chew:cool::emperor
Medi Maul looks nice. I love the way the eyes are painted; that is the expression I would normally associate with Maul. The rough skin texture and ragged tattoo edges somehow look more realistic to me than SSC's. I'll have to see one in person before I drop the cash down, but it's a possibility for me (I also have an SSC Maul).
What I don't get is why both SSC and Medicom's tat patterns stop right at the lower edge of Maul's mouth? You can seen in the film that the patterns continue up over his lower lip.:confused:




What would you most like to see though Josh?

Man, that's sort of tough. I mean I'd really like 2 see Cody despite having the fantastic/amazing/great piece from hurricane. Just cause I'd like 2 compare honestly. I wouldn't mind having Gree since there isn't anything other than the GG bust out there of him

I might even pose mine like that since I have the SS one in my most wanted pose. I just don't like how cheap that leather looks.
Yeah, the RAH sculpt is better in some regards, but it's not enough for me to drop that kind of money on it. At most, I may grab an extra RAH body down the road, paint it black, and modify my SSC version.

But the difference isn't night and day.
That's my feeling as well. I like Maul a lot (I already have two of Sideshow's) so I might pick one of these up, but chances are I'll pass on it unless I can get one for under $100.

It seems to look better than Sideshow's, but only marginally so, and not 250% better. I do like its expression, though, so it might be a buy-me.

I'm thinking I'm going to replace the crappy Buck bodies on my Mauls and my Jedi Luke with BBI g3.5's. They have about the same articulation as the Hot Toys body, compatible neck and hand posts, and , most importantly, are a bit shorter. Han should be taller than Maul and Luke.
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**** being a medi fan, SS fan, or HT fan I'M A 1/6 FIGURE FAN. You kids can argue all day ****ing long for all i care.(god i just read through this thread and it's really sad just sad.)you can tell the ppl that already have a SS one and try to justify that the SS one is better etc. etc. and the medi fans that got a hard on and nothing can compare etc. etc.(some of you should start a pepsi vs coke thread)

Now i think this destroys the SS version,but i'm not gonna throw it in the face of a SS fan over and over and over.(if someone likes their SS version and has no problem with it and doesn't see the need to get this one no biggie)

that said i can't wait for this one i'm more excited for this than i am boba/jango):maul:maul:maul:maul

I agree with you 100%. Like I said before, I own the SS version, but going by these pics there's no comparison IMHO. I realize that there are "SS apologists" and "Medicom nut-swingers", but like you I'm just a 1/6 figure fan. I want the best likeness and I don't care what company makes it.
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Looks very nice, only complaint is Medicom's neck joints look terrible, it really takes away some major points from the overall quality.