Medicom DK

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haha awful indeed,Joker truly looks like a drug-using psycho there,look at his chicken legs:lol
Medicom's Joker looks like a fan dressed up like the Joker. This is what makes me skeptikal that their TDK Batman will look anything like the proto. It's mind boggling how a company can produce these 2 abominations plus that bubble gum covered Two-Face yet have that awesome looking TDK Batman. I call shenanigans.
Does anyone else here think the Joker looks like one of the guys from Milli Vanili? I swear Batman looks exactly like the one they released back a few years back but with a different head.

Medicom! Stick to what you know best, Star Wars and video game figures.
I'd gladly pick those up if they were around $40. In other words, I'm very underwhelmed by these. I'd give Batman a 5/10 and Joker a 6.5/10
Does anyone else here think the Joker looks like one of the guys from Milli Vanili? I swear Batman looks exactly like the one they released back a few years back but with a different head.

Medicom! Stick to what you know best, Star Wars and video game figures.

Agree...anything HT and Medicom make,HT makes better.
The Joker's overcoat looks good in terms of the material used and the thickness, but it's seriously short! The HT version that comes down to his calves is a much more accurate length.

And I guess this is their Batman, aged 65 figure. I don't know how else to explain why his belt is up around his ribcage.
That cape looks like somebody went to a hobby shop. Heh, love the position of the belt thats already been pointed out. Which now gives the impression of a huge thong. Glow green waist coat? Different shades of purple? perhaps the lighting? looks like a suede coat. Clear stands? It gives a very cheap £9.99 feeling looking at that. Definitely doesn't look premium quality. Not something that is on the same price ranges as Hot Toys.

What a horrible shop window/display. Somebody that doesn't know how to represent their work for a company. It looks like parts thrown in everywhere, from a second hand sale.
I can guarantee that certain Medicom products will not turn out well at all. I understand these ain't production pieces. But trust me, these figures are just so inferior to the high standard that specifically Hot Toys has set. I mean, even Sideshow has better 1/6 scale figures.