Let me start out by saying I really wanted this figure to spank the Sideshow Indy. I really did. I thought it would too. Sadly...
For the price point, you simply don't get what you deserve. That thing is not worth $180, no way, no how. I think Josh will agree with me that it isn't even worth $100. You get the RAH body which is not only the most fragile body in 1:6 scale, but I swear it is more in ratio to that of a teenage boy than a fully grown man, the poorly tailored clothes (highwater pants, bigass 70's buttons and a jacket who's collar won't even sit down and whose zipper would take two hands to pull up!), the whip that looks more like fraying wicker than the leather bullwhip it's supposed to represent and the MEGO Freddy hat. The only thing they got right is the face, but again, it looks more like a Han Solo, than an Indiana Jones. Their older Indy is a smidgen better, but still no where near worth the price point either. It's really a shame when the supporting cast (Henry Sr. & Young Indy) get better quality action figure than the main hero of the film.
As I said before, the Medicom looks more like something Robot Chicken would toss together for a quick 45sec skit than something Medicom put out. I don't even see how this passed their QC either. If I was Akashi-san, I would've sent it back with a reference photo of Sideshow's Indy, pink slips and a Wakasashi. When you compare what you get for what you pay, $180 to $20, crude or not, Hasbro comes out on top in this one. IMO anyway.
I would agree its not worth the price Medicom wants for this guy. I didn't think so though when I saw it at SDCC.