Oh, I agree, these pics definitely highlight the skinny bodies...but I figured folks might like to see what's under the coat/jacket. The bodies are certainly too thin, there's no getting around that. I think it works better on Henry, who has thicker clothing, than Indy. Indy looks good with the jacket on, but not without it. His legs are skinny either way...they could have overcome this with slightly baggier pants maybe. There's no denying that the bodies are way more poseable than Sideshow's Buck though. I can't wait to see what the Prometheus body can do though.
As far as the quality, I have to disagree...I am more afraid of breaking my Sideshow figures than these guys. Your absolutely right, I wouldn't let my kids play with them, but they seem quite sturdy to me. I haven't had any problems with the arms, legs, or wrist pegs. In fact, the wrist pegs seem a lot sturdier and easier to swap out than on most of my Sideshow figures'.
Hasbro? Oh man, I really wanted to embrace these figures...but I couldn't bring myself to buy a single one of them. The crappy paint jobs aside (every whip cracking Indy I have seen looks like he is wearing mascara), they just look terrible. The printed on buttons on the shirt...WTF? I have GI-Joes from the '60s that have real buttons for God's sake. You would think that the inventor of the Action Figure would do better.
Anyway, I am not saying Medicom's are perfect by any means...they certainly have their flaws...but they are not the atrocities that some would have us believe. I am happy with them, but still eagerly awaiting Sideshow's Indy.