Any recommendation on which R2 to get to go with HT Luke and medi yoda, in terms of proportion and accuracy?
Any recommendation on which R2 to get to go with HT Luke and medi yoda, in terms of proportion and accuracy?
Medicom pricing aside, I can understand from how it's put together and the apparent build/finish quality of c-3po why it's fetching the price it is - but R2??
I have a ten dollar alarm clock sitting in front of me and no pic I've seen has convinced me that medi's version is worth anything like 20 times as much as this. Sheesh, a cynical medicom marketing ploy conceived because fans who by one - the better one - will likely buy both? Couldn't be...
Japanese toys are expensive... as I said, they are overpriced, but they are awesome figures.
Believe me that comparing these to any other $10.00-$20.00 collectible is just nonsense...![]()
Scale schmale.
You'll all be much happier.
Still want medi 3po for a good price.
Dumb duh dumb dumb dummmmmbbbbbbbbbb.
VICECORP words of wisdom, if you're too ignorant to understand scale and proportion (which most 5th graders get) just repeatedly post to marginalize it.
Ouch. Sick burn.
I'm the same way. If its even slightly out of scale it drives me ape ****! Customizer's curse I guess.
Any recommendation on which R2 to get to go with HT Luke and medi yoda, in terms of proportion and accuracy?
I'm with jedijim on the Taito if you can find one. Posted a pic of my customized thermos one in the Statues thread. I need to post a pic with it next to Luke to show how it looks. To be honest, if the Medi was new in the box and was $30 bucks, and I found a Taito clock for $30 bucks, I'd get the clock. It's just me. The Medi is too small. Hasbro is too small. And it seems the Tamashi one will be too small. It's a shame the clocks are tough to come by. Definitely wouldn't pay what the dude is asking for the thermos one that's up now though.
Yep. And the cord is easily removed! There is a small red power light on the bottom, but it isn't particular obvious (to me, but to be fair, it's there). And as was mentioned, this one is stationary with no third leg. The clock is even cooler because it has that feature and the dome can rotate.
Aw, heck. Here's the pic even if it's in the wrong place
Weathered thermos
has anyone seen this one yet, the Wesco R2D2 alarm clock, the dimensions look pretty good, its definitely taller than the Medicom. think it may be only available in the UK, but its very cheap!
It looks nice but is still a bit short. Only 6.7 inches tall where as the Taito is 7 and 1/16 inches tall. Perfect 1/6 scale. I'd hold out for the Taito clock before I'd buy this one but that's just me.
I actually did a small mod on mine. I didn't like the seam lines on the dome so I sanded them down and repainted it silver and the panels a metallic blue instead of flat navy blue. Looks better I think.![]()
That is the Taito alarm clock.